Tiki and Evans nearly come to blows on 'The Ultimate Fighter'

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
10-21-2009 06:00 PM:

The verbal jousting between Team Rampage and Team Evans has extended to some of the assistant coaches. In a recently released Spike video, after Rashad Evans talked trash with Quinton "Rampage" Jackson, he turned his attention to Jackson's assistant Tiki Ghosn (0:23 mark). Tiki, who fights at 170 pounds, told the light heavyweight Evans that he would fight him for money in the parking lot.

Tiki didn't back down but it didn't look like he was ready to go at it with Evans. Evans landed a low blow when he asked Tiki, how many wins he had in the UFC. Tiki said none and Evans scoffed. Tiki told MMABay he thinks that Evans was truly afraid of Jackson during their many trash-talking battles:

"A couple of times when they got face to face, I could see in Rashad&rsquo;s eyes he was trembling, like he was picking a fight he didn&rsquo;t want any part of. He thought that if anything went down on the show, he had people there to save him, his team, the production staff, but the reality is if something went down and &ldquo;Rampage&rdquo; snapped it would have been bad. It would have taken everybody in the whole place to stop the fight."

For some reason during the Spike video, Evans was preoccupied with the blonde streaks in Tiki's beard. He alleged that Tiki is down with men, yet by looks of this photo on Twitter last night labeled, "Tiki you motorboatin' [expletive]," it looks like he's actually a breast man. Of course, Rashad may also be referencing Tiki's gripping relationship with Dana White.

Yahoo! Sports.
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