Thug kicks victim's head 'like a football'

Agree 100%

I preach awareness like a religion. Sometimes it's hard to get through some people's heads (because they want to learn to hit Day 1) but once they understand the social importance most yearn for knowledge.
My self-defense training has been with a handgun. Trainers there emphasize awareness, avoidance, and de-escalation as well. The only time I ever believed I was facing thugs, awareness changed their behavior and there was no confrontation.
LOL at the woman punching the guy. Is she mad? He just soccer kicked a guy in the face and she goes and hits him, does she not think wait a second this guy might punch me in the face and kill me?


He didnt look that drunk to me, he ran fast and straight and perfectly placed a powerful soccer kick to a guys mouth, and even did a multi soccer kick shuffle at the end.

If you ask me it was the judge that was of low character and had been doing the drinking, the guy should have got a heftier sentance.
If that was a 'soccer kick', no wonder we never win the world cup. Yes it was sick and stupid, but it wasn't that hard. The 'victim' was not kicked over, he was tapped and he reeled back. Probably partly because he too was stupidly drunk.

There is almost certainly more to it than we saw. It didn't seem random to me. If the lad tying his show lace suspected a threat, he should have been on his guard. If he had been he'd have easily countered that sluggish lumbering oaf that tapped him.