Senior Master
What do you do to help with your painful hips? One thing that I have found very helpful are leg swings twice a day.
If you do leg swings in the morning and the night I found that the pain lessens and your kicks get higher. The leg swings that I do are front and side. Almost like doing stretch kicks but just swinging the leg not kicking.
Only let you legs come to about 90 degrees and do 3 to 4 sets of 10 to 15 swings for each leg and each type of swing.
I use to have extream hip pain in my left side when doing any round kick or side kick. I still do but after starting the leg swings the pain as lessend. My kicks have improved and I am shocked that this works.
I read an article that stated that we do not use the hip joints at full range of motion enough to keep them from shortening thus causing the pain. I started these simple leg swings twice a day (has to be twice a day, morning and night) and it did indeed work.
Just thought I would share.
If you do leg swings in the morning and the night I found that the pain lessens and your kicks get higher. The leg swings that I do are front and side. Almost like doing stretch kicks but just swinging the leg not kicking.
Only let you legs come to about 90 degrees and do 3 to 4 sets of 10 to 15 swings for each leg and each type of swing.
I use to have extream hip pain in my left side when doing any round kick or side kick. I still do but after starting the leg swings the pain as lessend. My kicks have improved and I am shocked that this works.
I read an article that stated that we do not use the hip joints at full range of motion enough to keep them from shortening thus causing the pain. I started these simple leg swings twice a day (has to be twice a day, morning and night) and it did indeed work.
Just thought I would share.