Those little sayings that hit home

A black belt is a white belt that never quit. ~school saying

Resolution is null if it disappears in the face of adversity.

Be yourself... it's something no one else can do.

The three most powerful words.... YES I CAN!!!
My submission:

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. - Mark Twain
"Practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect."

"Wisdom is the willingness to learn from experience."

"I'd rather live on my knees than die on my feet."

Uh, wait a minute. I'm not so sure about that last one...

Was that last one on purpose? That version doesn't really instill a fighting spirit does it?
A black belt is a white belt that never quit. ~school saying
Yes, I like this one. I have told this to my students for more than two decades, and it still holds true.

Resolution is null if it disappears in the face of adversity.
Try telling this one to the UN!

Be yourself... it's something no one else can do.
Hear, hear!

The three most powerful words.... YES I CAN!!!
And the three most satisfying words are.... "I DID IT!!!"

CM D.J. Eisenhart
"Do. Or do not. There is no try. You must do!" -- Yoda, quoted by Dennis - - one of the black belts at my school
"Hang tough."-- my instructor
"What is possible is often perception, not reality."-- see Dennis(above)
Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.

Life is about the journey, remember detours make it interesting.

Why you forget?! - said by my Korean instructor when I forget a pattern I went through once a week ago, to which i was tempted to reply, "I just decided to!" (I didn't, I want to live!)
VERY tempted to quote Chun ... :)
VERY tempted to quote Chun ... :)

You mean... like some of these?

Chiun: It would be better for you to eat this can than what is inside of it. Why must everything in this country be coated with monositi-... monosoti...
Remo Williams: Monosodium glutamate. You can't even say it.
Chiun: I can say "rat droppings." That does not mean I want to eat them.
Chiun: Breathe out... slowly... do not gulp. If you do not breathe correctly, you do not move correctly. Pitiful. I can see the deadly hamburger has done its evil work.
Remo Williams: You know, Chiun, there are times when I really like you.
Chiun: Of course. I am Chiun.
Remo Williams: And there are times when I could really kill you.
Chiun: Good. We will practice that after dinner.
Chiun: The trained mind does not need a watch. Watches are a confidence trick invented by the Swiss.
Chiun: Professional assassination. It's the highest form of public service.
And my absolute favorite:

Chiun: Fear is just a feeling. You feel hot. You feel hungry. You feel angry. You feel afraid. Fear can never kill you.
my all time fav

"Men do not decide their future. They decide their habits and their habits decide their future."
Never Show Up To A Gun Fight With A Knife. Thats always a good piece of advice lol
"Our society, after all, operates on guilt, which often serves only to obscure its real workings and to prevent obvious solutions."
You mean... like some of these?

Chiun: It would be better for you to eat this can than what is inside of it. Why must everything in this country be coated with monositi-... monosoti...
Remo Williams: Monosodium glutamate. You can't even say it.
Chiun: I can say "rat droppings." That does not mean I want to eat them.
Chiun: Breathe out... slowly... do not gulp. If you do not breathe correctly, you do not move correctly. Pitiful. I can see the deadly hamburger has done its evil work.
Remo Williams: You know, Chiun, there are times when I really like you.
Chiun: Of course. I am Chiun.
Remo Williams: And there are times when I could really kill you.
Chiun: Good. We will practice that after dinner.
Chiun: The trained mind does not need a watch. Watches are a confidence trick invented by the Swiss.
Chiun: Professional assassination. It's the highest form of public service.
And my absolute favorite:

Chiun: Fear is just a feeling. You feel hot. You feel hungry. You feel angry. You feel afraid. Fear can never kill you.

Yes.Just like those. I love 'em. :)
I love those saying, too! It's a classic film. Why Oscar passed it by, is a mystery.

My quote that hit home....."Your tuition is due." :ultracool