Thomas the Pregnant Man

Violence? Bullying? Dude get over yourself. Thats my opinion, it appears you dont think im entitled to it. Typical...most libs are thought police at the core.

You can express any bigotted opinion you want. Don't expect other people to sit back and not excoriate you for it.

The bottom line is that your opinion has absolutely no basis. You have no idea what is "normal" and what isn't. It's just an assumption that you've never bothered to analyze.

With that being said, calling a family a freakshow is a form of violence and bullying. They are just different...not freaks. Freak is a perjorative reflective of your bias. It reflective of your hatred toward things that do not comform to your unexamined assumptions.

You can be a better person then this. I challenge you to rise above it.
Empathy is fine, however, a lesbian, mid way through the process of surgical and hormonal changes to APPEAR to be a man, is NOT, a man having a baby.
Oh, and isn't it a fetus?

Are these words more important then another person's happiness?
Perhaps, because he knows the definition of normal:

Surgically altering yourself to appear to the other sex is by no definition Normal.

The definition doesn't help you because you are still assuming a standard that you THINK is normal. That definition, in no way, spells out what you THINK is normal.

Its just another unexamined assumption and the only thing you really are doing is arbitrarily deciding what you think is normal and what is not normal based off of that assumption.
Pregnant. But not a Man.

But it takes more than a mastectomy and hormone treatments to overturn biology. Thomas may be a man in the eyes of the law, but she remains physically a woman, with a woman's reproductive system, a woman's genitals, and a woman's chromosomes. So when she and Nancy decided to have a baby, she had little trouble conceiving through artificial insemination. The result is the spectacle that has drawn so much attention: a bearded pregnant woman named Thomas, who identifies herself as a man, and has a lawfully wedded wife.

What you make of all this depends on your political outlook. Transgender activists, radical feminists, and others at the cultural extreme who insist that sex differences between men and women are patriarchal constructs, not hardwired facts of life, will applaud Thomas and Nancy as gender-bending pioneers challenging an oppressive male-female dichotomy. Those of us for whom gender is not a spectrum of possibilities but a matter of either/or are more likely to regard the whole situation as profoundly aberrant and detrimental - especially for the baby about to be brought into the world.

This story of the pregnant "man" hasn't materialized in a vacuum.

The news out of Texas last week was of the police raid on a polygamist compound in which underage girls have been forcibly "married" to abusive older men. From Australia came word of John and Jennifer Deaves, the 61-year-old father and his 39-year-old daughter who have had two children together and pleaded guilty to incest, but say they just want "a little bit of respect and understanding" for their illicit relationship. These are only the latest in an endless series of reminders that sexual urges and appetites can be powerful and perverse and lead to harmful consequences. That is why human societies have always constrained sexual behavior with equally powerful taboos and moral standards.

Increasingly, though, anyone who upholds those taboos and standards is denounced as a narrow-minded bigot, while those who defy them are celebrated for their nonjudgmentalism and tolerance. (Why, come to think of it, do the people who insist gender is fluid and subjective so often argue the opposite when it comes to race?)

Damn Straight!!
The definition doesn't help you because you are still assuming a standard that you THINK is normal. That definition, in no way, spells out what you THINK is normal.

Its just another unexamined assumption and the only thing you really are doing is arbitrarily deciding what you think is normal and what is not normal based off of that assumption.

Same applies to you dude.
Headlines notwithstanding, there is no "pregnant man." There is only a confused and unsettled woman, who proclaims that surgery, hormones, and clothing made her a man, and is clinging to that fiction even as the baby growing in her womb announces her womanhood to the world.
Dont like someones opinion so you equate it to "Violence" sounds like thought police to me....

Freak is a perjorative term. It's loaded with negative connotation exactly in the same way as any other hateful word.

You can say all of those things if you wish, but no one of any merit is going to respect you for it...

You make a choice. I make a choice. We go our separate ways and I have no respect for your opinion.

That's not thought police.

Again, just think about the fact that what you are saying is very hurtful to some people.
Truth is this situation is far from "normal" or it wouldnt be news. Truth is this ISNT a man. Men dont become pregnant because we dont have ovaries or wombs. This is a gender confused woman wearing the medically applied disguise of a man.
Truth is this situation is far from "normal" or it wouldnt be news. Truth is this ISNT a man. Men dont become pregnant because we dont have ovaries or wombs. This is a gender confused woman wearing the medically applied disguise of a man.

Are words more important then another person's happiness? Why is clinging to this dogma so important to you? Ultimately, what does it avail you in the end?

Why can't a person just who they want to be? Is conformity to your assumptions so important that you'll use perjoratives to enforce it?
Words?? Facts!! This isnt a pregnant MAN/Male/someone with XY chromosomes. Its not a "miracle", its not "normal" otherwise we would see pregnant men walking around all over the place. You are confusing your social/political desires with common sense and logic.

Ill post this excerpt again...

But it takes more than a mastectomy and hormone treatments to overturn biology. Thomas may be a man in the eyes of the law, but she remains physically a woman, with a woman's reproductive system, a woman's genitals, and a woman's chromosomes. So when she and Nancy decided to have a baby, she had little trouble conceiving through artificial insemination. The result is the spectacle that has drawn so much attention: a bearded pregnant woman named Thomas, who identifies herself as a man, and has a lawfully wedded wife.

What you make of all this depends on your political outlook. Transgender activists, radical feminists, and others at the cultural extreme who insist that sex differences between men and women are patriarchal constructs, not hardwired facts of life, will applaud Thomas and Nancy as gender-bending pioneers challenging an oppressive male-female dichotomy. Those of us for whom gender is not a spectrum of possibilities but a matter of either/or are more likely to regard the whole situation as profoundly aberrant and detrimental - especially for the baby about to be brought into the world.

This story of the pregnant "man" hasn't materialized in a vacuum.

The news out of Texas last week was of the police raid on a polygamist compound in which underage girls have been forcibly "married" to abusive older men. From Australia came word of John and Jennifer Deaves, the 61-year-old father and his 39-year-old daughter who have had two children together and pleaded guilty to incest, but say they just want "a little bit of respect and understanding" for their illicit relationship. These are only the latest in an endless series of reminders that sexual urges and appetites can be powerful and perverse and lead to harmful consequences. That is why human societies have always constrained sexual behavior with equally powerful taboos and moral standards.

Increasingly, though, anyone who upholds those taboos and standards is denounced as a narrow-minded bigot, while those who defy them are celebrated for their nonjudgmentalism and tolerance. (Why, come to think of it, do the people who insist gender is fluid and subjective so often argue the opposite when it comes to race?)
If you want to cling to this narrow world view, fine, its your perogative. The world is bigger, more complex, and more beautiful then the language you use to describe it.
On this "words" thing...ok, so ill SAY that "this is the most wonderful, beautiful, miraculous event to have happened..." and ill keep my real opinion to myself. Is that what you want? Is that the society you want?
Another pointless, baseless attack.
Name two conservatives who campaigned for a state-sanctioned religion.
Oh, that's right, you can't.
However, I can certainly name liberals who criticize Christianity and treat Islam as if it were holy writ...

Well, you're certainly one. I'm geussing you're one of those nice folks that wanted to outlaw Homosexual Marriage. There is no basis for such a law outside the fact that it's against the Christian Religion. That is, essentially, State Sponsered Religion. By the way, that's outlawed by the First Ammendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Well, you're certainly one. I'm geussing you're one of those nice folks that wanted to outlaw Homosexual Marriage. There is no basis for such a law outside the fact that it's against the Christian Religion. That is, essentially, State Sponsered Religion. By the way, that's outlawed by the First Ammendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Your confusing people who have opinions with people who are trying to force their opinion on others through legislation. Ive posted my opinion on this matter. Im not saying anything needs to be done TO or ABOUT these people.
Gentlemen can we allow ourselves to cool off before replying. I'm reading tones of disgruntlement and irritation. Lets not let this thread degenerate into a online fight.

Thank you... :asian:

Carry on.
Your confusing people who have opinions with people who are trying to force their opinion on others through legislation. Ive posted my opinion on this matter. Im not saying anything needs to be done TO or ABOUT these people.

Wasn't it part of the GOP platform for awhile that Homosexual marraige would be outlawed? Either way. One of the conerstones of Social Conservatism (which I'm geussing is what Don was talking about in the first place) is the idea of " common sense, family values" and that those values happen to coincide almost perfectly with what the Bible says, one can assume that Social Conservatism would be about making Christianity the State Religion.

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