Thomas Sowell, an interview...

The only hope I have for this country in the future is that the majority of voters do not agree with anything you or Mr. Sowell believe in. Comparing OWS to Marxist? what about the propaganda and lies promoted by the Republican GOP to further the interest of the 1 %, Communist or Facist at the very least including a constant acusation of any differing opinion comes from a degenerate or some how less valuable people or demographic?
Hmmm...perhaps you missed the Marxists and National socialists proudly marching with the OWS people and not being shunned or asked to leave. Or the rapes, assaults, the drug use, vandalism to other peoples property the driving out of the people who use the businesses around the OWS camp sites.
Hmmm...perhaps you missed the Marxists and National socialists proudly marching with the OWS people and not being shunned or asked to leave. Or the rapes, assaults, the drug use, vandalism to other peoples property the driving out of the people who use the businesses around the OWS camp sites.

I thought that this is what's called democracy, you know, in the Land of the Free?

Rapes, assaults, drug use etc etc, they happen everywhere, they shouldn't but they do. Look at that school sports coach story with a boy being raped. It's deplorable but isn't confined to the OWS movement. Deplore it there and you must deplore it everywhere, by everyone who commits this crimes, you cannot tell us that right wing people don't commit crimes.

Oh and btw the national socialist lot...they are the right wing thugs not the left wing thugs.

A right wing newspaper reporting right wing atrocities.
The only difference between National socialists and international socialists, (marxists) is that the national socialists don't like international socialism, they like the home grown variety. They are all lefties. They don't like capitalism, believe in big government controlling the economy as well as the people, and they both lead to the atrocities you saw in China, viet nam, germany, the U.s.s.r and all the other countries claiming to be socialists.
I thought that this is what's called democracy, you know, in the Land of the Free?

Rapes, assaults, drug use etc etc, they happen everywhere, they shouldn't but they do. Look at that school sports coach story with a boy being raped. It's deplorable but isn't confined to the OWS movement. Deplore it there and you must deplore it everywhere, by everyone who commits this crimes, you cannot tell us that right wing people don't commit crimes.

Oh and btw the national socialist lot...they are the right wing thugs not the left wing thugs.

A right wing newspaper reporting right wing atrocities.

don't confuse billi with facts!
The only difference between National socialists and international socialists, (marxists) is that the national socialists don't like international socialism, they like the home grown variety. They are all lefties. They don't like capitalism, believe in big government controlling the economy as well as the people, and they both lead to the atrocities you saw in China, viet nam, germany, the U.s.s.r and all the other countries claiming to be socialists.

One day these so called 'lefties' who are actually on the right will come and bite you on the backside. I will refrain from saying I told you so but you can be sure I'll be thinking it as I send flowers to the grave of democracy in your country.
Hmmm...perhaps you missed the Marxists and National socialists proudly marching with the OWS people and not being shunned or asked to leave. Or the rapes, assaults, the drug use, vandalism to other peoples property the driving out of the people who use the businesses around the OWS camp sites.
Is that anything compared to what right wing and corporations have done in other countries propping up despots to serve thier needs killing raping and torturing thousands upon thousands of the decades in the name of free market not to mention the total complete rip off of medical insurance companies coluding whith doctors to exclude people with and paid for coverage and poor treatment cheaper to let seniors go terminal than early diognosis or treatment? look at the study that 20,000 women murdered thier bodies dump in the desert areas in Mexico from the sex crime industry and many of these were low paid workers at 90 cents a day even some kept as slaves work some frozen for months before dumping thier bodies and when the corporations were asked for increased security and benefits for these women they simply said we can shut down and go to india or China for less. law enforcement is a for profit business being paid for by tax payers and the poor I want to just shxxxx when someone says we should kill all the dealers and jail all the drug users well you never will because it is a renewable never ending source of income to the law enforcement agencies, contractors who build the jails and supplie the law enforcement materials they don't want to end crime they just want to contain it. If crime was eliminated you would have to lay off first managment administrators then officers then less expenses. it all a joke that everyone including the quauzi conservatives help pay and pay for while the 1% continue to bank the money.

The OWS is more than what the right wing media and GOP want to focus on I hope some people are made uncomfortable and business interupted and if the next election cannot resolve it things will get worse. Good peopel will get hurt in the future it seems to be the price of freedom and democracy although someone can step in here I have been told we are actually a Republic?