This schedule ok? What stretches increase leg flexibilty?

Corporal Hicks

Black Belt
Hi there,
This is my training schedule I have devised I'm just wondering if you guys can pick anything wrong with it or if its going to do me any good at all anyway? This is it:

15 Minutes on Punch-bag: Punching Techniques

5 Minute Break
15 Minutes on Punch-bag: Kicking techniques which include:

Turning kicks, at least 20 each leg
Side kicks, at least 20 each leg
Jumping turning kicks, at least 20 each leg
Reverse Kicks, at least 20 each leg
Side kick - Reverse side kick, 10 each leg
Outer and inner crescent kicks, 5 each leg

5 Minute Break
15 Minutes on Punch bag-Free for All techniques

Downward hamstring leg stretch
Leg Raises
Holding leg out stretches

Should I leave the training schedule here for a session or include patterns such as slow patterns thinking about the opponent attacking and using imagery and fast patterns focusing on speed and agility or should I do that another day?

I'm having a little trouble finding a decent hook to hold up my punchbag, I've just bought an industrial meat hook and thats already bent outwards and now wont hold it! Bit pathetic. Where do you guys get your from?

What leg stretches increase flexibilty?

i do not study tkd but try practicing your kicks slowely. i mean really slow. then feel what muscels are being used. when you know which ones... stretch those. everyone's body is adjusted different. some won't have a problem with certain kicks like you will so. just like we are all different so should our training schedules be. don't take someone else's schedule. you might need more work in another area. just do whats right for you. only you and your body know what is best for you.

Sounds like a decent conditioning program to me. For increasing flexibilty I would make sure you're doing side leg raises, as well as front leg raises. Leg raises are probably best done in the beginning, before you start your kicking technique practice. I also like to practice doing the splits during my warm-down stretches, sideways, and frontways (can't go down all the way yet, but I'll get there eventually).

Plenty of people here have better expertise than me though.
Looks like a good schedual to me.Just a sugestion:during your five minute break,do some sort of leg stretches,since you have you muscles warm.What type of flexibility are you after?Kick higher front?higher side?
Hi Corporal Hicks:

Are you in TKD or doing this on your own? What rank or how long have you been training? (just so I kind of know where you are at)

For stretching besides everything else, I stretch my hamstrings too on the floor, slow, holding a few sec.. to uncomfortable only ...repeat these 3 times each leg.

I agree with Zepp on the dynamic leg raises front and side after stretching before workout. We usually do 15-20 for warming up. Start easy, use a locked leg going up as far as you can go. Side raises...hold out your arm and try to bring your leg also stiff up to it.

As for your workout, you should vary it from day to day. This might work for Mon-Wed-Fri but change it up for the other 3 days. One day off.

Like do running, running around obstacles, helps with movement while sparring. Jumping over low foam fences, helps that reflex. Doing fast feet, back and forth laterally on the balls of your feet like the army guys do. Pushups, crunches are in there too on MOST days. Jumping rope, good cardiovascular and good for jumping.

You are very heavy on punching. Our typical base workout at our school, is 50 front kicks, 50 round kicks, 50 side kicks, 50 crescents, ins and outs--each leg. Done on the front leg, all at once on one leg not stopping. That takes care of just the first 15 minutes.

To get to this, first do 100 front kicks, alternating picking up your right and left legs. 100 round kicks alternating, 50 sidekicks each leg then 30 axe kicks. Axe-bent leg picking up, looks like a front kick then stiff when it hits the ball of your foot gently on the bag eye level--builds quads. Increase these to 50 later. Keep your punching in there for 15 too.

What you are doing now is alot of kicks-low repetition, side mostly, so you are using the side muscles mostly. You also need to work more on the front quads and your hamstrings and the side movements don't help with those too much. If you want strength/build muscle increase the number of basic kicks. (Black belts have to do a hundred front,round,side,ax in our class and they are killers to do on one leg in succession. Makes you stronger though.)

For flexibility, do those slow side kicks, hold on to something, go for height out, heel down and hold for 2-3 sec. , start with 30, then 50 a side. Then when you are getting comfortable with 50, the last ten do really well, hold longer.

Then end as you have with the floor splits, isometric holding the inner thigh, go until you aren't comfortable. Guys in my class, don't get it, that the reason us girls get there, is because we CAN suffer! :D Three times.
Hold the isometric (contracting inner thigh) stretch, one one thousand, etc.---ten seconds min. Also stretch everything to release lactic acid and save on soreness.

3 days do your punch, this workout routine, crunches, pushups, flex.

3 days do cardio, jumping, workout like all those other kicks. 20 is a good number for each but keep it going for cardio, add punch to your kicks

or 2 days cardio and one day pure technique- hard and accurate

one day absolute rest!!!

Get a standup bag from Century or Bob. They are a great investment!

For what its worth, hope this helps you, its my basic workout! TW
Thanks for the workout tigerwoman. I am a Blue Belt in TKD and have been training roughly for two/three years.

I'm trying to kick higher to the front and to the sides as well, I would hopefully like to be powerfull all around as well as flexible but I appreciate the amount of work and effort I will have to put into it.


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