Women lead this nation already - by raising the leaders of America (though a portion of the credit must go to their fathers).This all went WAY farther than I wanted it to go. I was meaning to be more on a funny note though, but I still believe that women were not meant to lead our country. God made men and women different and for different purposes. The men would not be able to have children and to "mother" them the way a woman could. And women in general aren't as physically strong as men; that is why there are men firefighters. They got to be able to carry their own weight and the dead weight of someone else. I believe that men are sopose to be the leaders.
I have to wonder where you come from to not know there are female firefighters? You've *never* met a woman who was stronger than a man? And any housewife will tell *all* about the dead weight she's hauling around.
Hm. Yeah, well ... good luck with that.