This Lady is My Newest Hero!


Senior Master
Jan 15, 2006
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Airstrip One
I'm a die-hard animal lover, especially cats (yeah...I know it's hard to believe) and this woman is just awesome!

Help get the word out!

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Wow, that's awesome. I love the cats and dogs together. Reminds me of Ghostbusters: "Cats and Dogs living together!"
Wow, that's awesome. I love the cats and dogs together. Reminds me of Ghostbusters: "Cats and Dogs living together!"
Mass Hysteria! LOL - had to fist-bump ya there!
Most excellent! I didn't see one cat in the entire video that looked unhealthy or unhappy. That she to the step of actually learning how to care for them instead of just tossing food and water out is great. I wish her and her team the absolute best.

I wonder how she keeps track of them all?

I sure hope she has a lot of help!

That's how all cat shelters should be IMO.
I'm a die-hard animal lover, especially cats (yeah...I know it's hard to believe) and this woman is just awesome!

Help get the word out!

Thats impressive as hell. Passion for something taken to the ultimate level.
Thats great, thanks for restoring my faith in people a little bit more.
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Awesome video! I'm a big cat lover.


I love cats (and dogs). That is one amazing woman and those are some very lucky animals. Thanks for posting this. :asian:
My kids grew up with both cats and dogs. The first thing I did when I saw this video, was to send it to both of them. I know they will get a big kick out of it, and it will make their day.Thanks celtic_crippler for posting it. Love and compassion are two very important traits in human beings, and I'm not saying that there aren't other ways to acquire this all important quality, but, I never met a person yet that didn't rank high on the scale of life, and at the same time didn't adore our animal friends.
Indeed there needs to be more places like this... so long as there are people wanting to adopt cats (and dogs) that need a good home. Though most need to be spayed or neutered to prevent over breeding and over population. It's why places like this are needed because of the irresponsibility of the original pet owners who abandon these animals because the next place they move to doesn't allow pets or whatever reason.
I wonder if those cats are spayed/neutered on her property. Given time she'd have more cats than the property has room. One would think so... taken from shelters who do that procedure anyway.
Still a worth while charity IMO.
Thanks for posting this, my girlfriend volunteers at a cat sanctuary here in the UK, they also have a no kill policy and my girlfriend regularly goes out and about trapping ferals and getting them neutered/spayed to prevent overbreeding. It is a bit of a dream for her and the other workers at the sanctuary to have a place in the countryside such as the one in this video. Very, very inspiring. (We actually have 10 cats ourselves!)