This is why the left hates Fox cable news.

Do you really think this is why? Do you believe that when the "liberals" on this board voice an opinion about Fox News that they're this petty? That they "hate" fox news only because of the ratings?

Bill, that's very cynical, and pretty discouraging, too.
Do you believe that when the "liberals" on this board voice an opinion about Fox News that they're this petty?
yes I Do
Do you really think this is why? Do you believe that when the "liberals" on this board voice an opinion about Fox News that they're this petty? That they "hate" fox news only because of the ratings?

Bill, that's very cynical, and pretty discouraging, too.
How would you explain it, Steve? Do you see anywhere close to the same lunacy from conservatives regarding the blatantly biased MSNBC?
I always wonder how they compile the ratings, I know nobody asks what I watch....

However, ratings are not an indicator of quality programming, just popularity, a tool to price commercial slots. And frankly, if you want to be informed you looks at more than one source. So in those enormous ratings might e a few of them leftists hiding that just watch Fox, not because it's good, but to be informed about what they say.
I always wonder how they compile the ratings, I know nobody asks what I watch....
A friend of mine was paid one two dollar bill a day for a month for keeping track of what radio stations he listened to and when. It was a very entertaining month for me, as soon as I would get in the truck, I would change the radio station a few times...
However, ratings are not an indicator of quality programming,
QED: Dancing with the Stars, Survivor...
just popularity, a tool to price commercial slots. And frankly, if you want to be informed you looks at more than one source. So in those enormous ratings might e a few of them leftists hiding that just watch Fox, not because it's good, but to be informed about what they say.
Oh, hahahahahaha
Yeah, because they aren't smart enough not to watch something they cannot stand... hahahaha
How would you explain it, Steve? Do you see anywhere close to the same lunacy from conservatives regarding the blatantly biased MSNBC?
As I said, that's pretty cynical and doesn't bode well for these boards. If you guys honestly have that little respect for the opposition, it's no wonder tensions are so high around here.

I'll just say that my impression of Fox is that it's the conservative counterpart to MSNBC. I have no idea what the ratings are for either. My presumption is that they're both preaching to the choir, and I watch neither, outside of the rare clip on the internet.

Besides, I thought we'd already agreed that liberals get their news from Jon Stewart? :D
During an appearance on Sean Hannity’s Fox News Show on March 23, 2011, Republican strategist Karl Rove addressed some of the issues surrounding U.S. involvement with its allies in enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya.

At one point, Hannity said: "The United States is basically saying, ‘We're not going to lead this thing.’ So, France is actually proposing a political steering company to run the war."

After some crosstalk, Rove said, "Who is on that committee? American troops have never been under the formal control of another nation.Why should we start now?"

Since 1900, there have been at least seventeen military operations in which the United States has placed U.S. troops under a foreign commander:

• The Boxer Rebellion.
• World War I.
• Russian Revolution
• World War II.
• Cold War.

and that goes for CNN, MSNBC, NBC, etc......

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