This is why I'm not at M&G

Just relax and remember when you first learned to drive a car how difficult that was but how easy it is now. Relax and you will have no problems!
Report Day 3

OMG...I am soooo flippin tired, what a day, two accidents too.

Ok..let me try and think back to early this morning and remember what we did all day and I'll fill you in on accidents.

Ummm....first was finishing locking up the rear brake in gravel. Had to do that at 30mhp.

ALL the following exercises are done at 30mhp. The course takes place in a

Next was locking up the rear brake on pavement.
Then use of front brake only.
Then "controlled braking", use of front and rear brake 90/10 - 80/20.
After that, we had to enter a *gate*....use controlled braking....downshift and immediately obtain torque (no feet on the ground ever) then manuveur through two consecutive 90 degree turns.
Last was "obstacle evasion" enter the instructor is at the end and after you enter the gate he will point either right or left and you have to "push, push" from the center gate to a gate on the right or left. No steering, you lean the bike. (the gates are made of cones)

So, anyway, two people locked up the front brake and wiped out. The first was man in his 60's who currently has a motorcycle license. This happened on the controlled braking. We believe he cracked a rib, he continued the rest of the day but in much pain, he also wasn't up to speed so it wasn't that bad.

The second was at the end of the day and pretty bad. One of the other girls, she was flying, had no control of the bike, wobbling, she entered the second gate at a bit of lean at locked up the front. Highended, slid across the pavement, her face and shin are road rashed. She needs stitches in her nose and shin. Had to call the ambulance. The instructors, of course, are trained in first aid and CPR, but we also have a surgeon and paramedic in our riding group so they took care of her until the ambulance arrived.

Tomorrow is the last day of the course. :) Well, I'm exhausted. Going to hop a shower. .
Well I think that just about everybody who has ever ridden a bike has had a serious miscue. I hope that the lady and gentleman are okay.

Kudo's to you for working hard and I am sure that you will pass with flying colors.
Whoa, crazy stuff. I've done a few rider-training courses and i've never seen a wipout at speed! But then maybe i've just been lucky. Hope those guys are ok, hey.

My first m/cycle instructor was so annoyed with me riding the back brake all the time, he told me that i shouldn't worry about a front wheel lock-up 'cause there would be no way that i'd be strong enough to make it happen. Basterd!
So of course i tried to prove him wrong and locked it up on my next run... thankfully as soon as felt the front tyre go i eased off and managed somehow to wobble it to a stop without crashing. Scared the crap out of me tho!

Enjoy the rest of yr course... sounds like yr having a blast!
Whoa, crazy stuff. I've done a few rider-training courses and i've never seen a wipout at speed! But then maybe i've just been lucky. Hope those guys are ok, hey.

My first m/cycle instructor was so annoyed with me riding the back brake all the time, he told me that i shouldn't worry about a front wheel lock-up 'cause there would be no way that i'd be strong enough to make it happen. Basterd!
So of course i tried to prove him wrong and locked it up on my next run... thankfully as soon as felt the front tyre go i eased off and managed somehow to wobble it to a stop without crashing. Scared the crap out of me tho!

Enjoy the rest of yr course... sounds like yr having a blast!

Yeah, this course is INTENSE. One of the other students is actually a riding instructor for a motorcycle school in Chicago, his wife is a State motorcycle cop. He's taking the class to improve his skills. He's a very good rider and even he gets corrected.

You did exactly what we're taught to do if the front brake locks up....release immediately and reapply. We use the rear brake alot to establish torque for the slow exercises and for sharp turns. For normal breaking it's 90/10 - 80/20.

I am so unbelievably tired this morning I can't think straight. I am going to have a hard time this last day being so tired. The class is so demanding I fell sick with fatigue this morning.

Wish me luck, last day.
Sound like you doing fine Jade..I wish I could find the video of the Police Training I underwent..My the end of the week we were doing some amazing stuff..
Sounds like a great course, one that cycle riders really need. You were missed at the M&G, but maybe next year?
Report Day 3

OMG...I am soooo flippin tired, what a day, two accidents too.

Ok..let me try and think back to early this morning and remember what we did all day and I'll fill you in on accidents.

Ummm....first was finishing locking up the rear brake in gravel. Had to do that at 30mhp.

ALL the following exercises are done at 30mhp. The course takes place in a

Next was locking up the rear brake on pavement.
Then use of front brake only.
Then "controlled braking", use of front and rear brake 90/10 - 80/20.
After that, we had to enter a *gate*....use controlled braking....downshift and immediately obtain torque (no feet on the ground ever) then manuveur through two consecutive 90 degree turns.
Last was "obstacle evasion" enter the instructor is at the end and after you enter the gate he will point either right or left and you have to "push, push" from the center gate to a gate on the right or left. No steering, you lean the bike. (the gates are made of cones)

So, anyway, two people locked up the front brake and wiped out. The first was man in his 60's who currently has a motorcycle license. This happened on the controlled braking. We believe he cracked a rib, he continued the rest of the day but in much pain, he also wasn't up to speed so it wasn't that bad.

The second was at the end of the day and pretty bad. One of the other girls, she was flying, had no control of the bike, wobbling, she entered the second gate at a bit of lean at locked up the front. Highended, slid across the pavement, her face and shin are road rashed. She needs stitches in her nose and shin. Had to call the ambulance. The instructors, of course, are trained in first aid and CPR, but we also have a surgeon and paramedic in our riding group so they took care of her until the ambulance arrived.

Tomorrow is the last day of the course. :) Well, I'm exhausted. Going to hop a shower. .

I am sorry to hear about the accidents.

I am glad the class is there though.

Haivng had a time where I was foloing a person into a curve and they ended up coming over into my lane of travel with their brakes on, I hit mine. The Rear was too hard (* hmm surprise *) and it locked up. I got the speed down and thought the bike was under control. I let off the rear brake. The bike immediately started to go unstable and then I locked the read back up and rode it straight (* dirt/gravel road went straight off the curve *) onto the Gravel and stopped the bike.

Thank you for sharing.
Report Final Day

Well, it's over. I didn't pass. *sigh* But honestly I was expecting to. The class was BRUTAL. Out of 11 people, only 2 passed. One was the riding instructor from the private school, and another was a guy who has been riding for 25 years. Others that did not pass included several licensed riders, and I got to the second to last exercise, there were only 4 of us left by that time. I learned alot though and that's what I was there for. :)
yeah I would be the one who needs extra help. I have a hard enough time keeping my car on one side of the road. kinda scare my girlfriend sometimes
Here's some pics:

The first one is our class. There were two people who didn't show up the last day, one was the girl who wiped out the day before, and another guy didn't show.

The second picture is the instructors.

The next two are just random shots.

Last is me testing on the Blast. We were in a bit of a conundrum with me. I handled the Road King better than the Blast. The Blast was too small for me...I was bunched up and had a hard time keeping torque in the slow exercises. But, the Road King is very top heavy, so if I put my foot down at a stop just a second too late it tipped on me and it's too heavy to hold up. If you set the bike down during testing you're automatically out. So, I took the whole class on the King and tested on the Blast. We're supposed to keep the same bike from beginning to end.


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Missed ya at the Meet and Greet JT! But good going on your class...glad you learned a lot even though you didn't pass. Betcha you're now a way better rider for it...and that's the most important part :)
"Boots of Escaping"! Yep, that's EXACTLY why I didn't pass.

Ya know, the instructors said even if you don't pass the course, you'll ace a license riding test. The instructor for the private school who was also taking the course said this was very advanced for beginners. Before this, the only thing I rode was my sons dirtbike, a Yamaha 125.

The thing that killed me was right hand turns. You have to do each exercise to both the right and left successfully, which means no knocking down a cone or setting your foot down. Those were slow speed exercises at about 7-10 mph. The road speed exercises were tested as we learned them. All those I passed successfully. The instructors said if you're right handed, right hand turns will be hard for you, and if you're left handed, left hand turns will be.

Yesterday I was talking with our neighbors who are our riding buddies. I said to Steve, you know what got me on that test? He said, right hand turns. I said yep. He said he has the same problem.

If you fail both directions on 2 exercises you're done. The two that got me were the figure eight to the right, put a foot down, and right hand turn around in a box, hit a cone.
I'm sorry to hear that you didn't pass, and it stinks even more that you were sooo close! I really hope you make it to the next M&G...
Geez, that sounds like a tough, tough course. You ought to give yrself a big pat on the back just for grinding it out. From the sounds of it, i prob would have failed too and i've been riding for 12 years now! (hey, we all have bad habits!
) Enjoy yr new skillz on the road matey and remember - shiny side up always!
Geez, that sounds like a tough, tough course. You ought to give yrself a big pat on the back just for grinding it out. From the sounds of it, i prob would have failed too and i've been riding for 12 years now! (hey, we all have bad habits!
) Enjoy yr new skillz on the road matey and remember - shiny side up always!

Thank you. :) There were many long time licensed riders who failed.