This is Where I Was Last Night

Well that is something I never have tied and probaly never will, Turkey testicles.
Awww NUTS! I missed that...

C'mon Pam, the Letch and I believe you like we believe THIS is a real Tiger


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It's just not right. I will be looking at the turkey in a whole different light today. I hope I don’t slip and say “pass me the _ _ _ _ s please” J .
We have a restaurant here in Winnipeg called the Prairie Oyster Cafe. Their specialty is Prairie Oysters. Also know as Bison Testicles.

I will never forget when one of the doctors I used to work for took us out for Christmas lunch there. She ordered the Prairie Oysters. The waiter asked her if she was sure she wanted them. She looked at him really weird and said of course. Then he explained what they were....she changed her order pretty quickly. She thought they were real oysters and were called "prairie" because well...Winnipeg is in the Prairies. :)
We have a restaurant here in Winnipeg called the Prairie Oyster Cafe. Their specialty is Prairie Oysters. Also know as Bison Testicles.

I will never forget when one of the doctors I used to work for took us out for Christmas lunch there. She ordered the Prairie Oysters. The waiter asked her if she was sure she wanted them. She looked at him really weird and said of course. Then he explained what they were....she changed her order pretty quickly. She thought they were real oysters and were called "prairie" because well...Winnipeg is in the Prairies. :)
We have mountain oysters in this neck of the woods. They're pig testicles. I've never had the, well, um, balls to try them, though.
When I was in Denver Colorado back in the 70's I was ask to try rocky mountain oysters. What they do not tell you is what they are until they come out to the table.
When I was in Denver Colorado back in the 70's I was ask to try rocky mountain oysters. What they do not tell you is what they are until they come out to the table.

How about finding out afterward ?
It took 1,280 pounds of testicles and about 75 gallons of oil to keep this year's festival going from 11 a.m. to last call at 1 a.m.

Parkside Pub walk-in cooler must have been balls to the walls! That's just nuts. I wonder if there is a vas deferens between turkey testicles, prairie oysters, and rocky mountain oysters?
There may come a time when things have gotten so bad that I might try to overcome my revulsion ... say when civilisation has collapsed and I'm starving to death and Kelly Brook and Angelina Jolie promise me a threesome as a bribe ... otherwise, I'll pass : yeuk :.
When I was in Denver Colorado back in the 70's I was ask to try rocky mountain oysters. What they do not tell you is what they are until they come out to the table.
You can still find Rocky Mountain oysters in Denver... I've just never been interested in trying them.

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