This is too funny...

I hope they don't run out of these high quality katana's before I can get my order in. I'll bet dealers are all lining up hoping this guy will represent their product.Do you think he was able to collect workers compensation or is a proven lack of intelligence an immediate disqualifier?
Proof positive that you should NOT use a Katana if ever attacking or attacked by a block of wood. :asian:
Well stainless stell ain't strong. Also is it just me or was he hitting the wood with th BACK side of the katana.
it looked like the back side or the flat of the blade - I can't believe it just snapped like that - and yes, getting one flipping around to hit you in the abdomen can't feel good.

I think the supplier must have been furious.
That's funny and sad at the same time. Another appalling thing is that i bought one of those exact swords for about 15 bucks 4 years ago. Now they are 45 bucks..interesting.
I like the guy who comes out and covers for him wail his wailing on the floor
I wouldnt buy it, i wouldnt buy anything from them for nyreason but for just showing, late at night you can buy like 30 knifes 10 swords and ect ect for like 50 bucks
Looks like it jabbed but didnt slice um
You are all missing the superior disarm / breaking method of the table. The moral of the story is, should you be attacked by a katana wielding salesman counter with the table disarm / break.

AaronLucia said:
That's funny and sad at the same time. Another appalling thing is that i bought one of those exact swords for about 15 bucks 4 years ago. Now they are 45 bucks..interesting.
I got mine on Ebay for 2.95...

I was doing the "conan" thing with it and the cheap wooden handle basically disintegrated in my hand.

Animedge, I bought one of their 100 knife packages on a whim one night, because I wanted the Scottish Claymore to add to the wall-hanger collection in my rec-room. The knives were the same cheap POS knives they sell in Truck stops and Gas stations across the U.S. for 99 cents to 2 bucks... but the swords in the set were decent enough, at least for wall hangings... I think I got the claymore and a Conan-esque barbarian sword, as well as some crazy spiky-hooky-pokey short sword thing with a huge honkin pumahead pommel. I sold most of the little folding knives off, and almost made enough back to cover most of what I spent.

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