This is Scary

Personally I could care less about the wackos. I'd rather see President Obama's critics ignoring the Kool-Aid drinkers and paying more attention to the issues at hand.

I don't want to see President Obama fail. I'd like to see him succeed so well that I am inspired to vote for him in 4 years. For that to happen, he needs to be challenged, contested, countered. I'm not yet seeing how, or if, that is going to happen.

But this is exactly what I mean... no one wants to contest the man, its like he holds sway over the masses like a Fakir and a Cobra... even if its unintentional on his part...

Hell... look at some of the posts IN THIS THREAD where people like Suk and Haga (no offense guys) who don't even live here are like "Woo hoo, at least he's not Bush!" That's all well and good, and like I said, I am not blaming him... but I am frightened by the amount of... "Patriotism?" people have begun showing the MAN as opposed to the Nation. Jetboat brings up a good point in his original post: Say what you want about Right-wing nutjobs who liked Bush, or what have you... None of them (that I have seen) Sang "Bush Bush Will Save The World" or marched in military fatigues and called out how he is personally responsible for giving them a chance. Nor did I ever see a Giant "R" logo for Regan "C" Logo for Clinton or "B" logo for Bush... But we have the Obama Super Pepsi-O logo.

Say what you want about how new Obama is, and what he is trying to do, that's fine... I've said it before, I don't trust mainstream candidates on either side, but We'll see what Obama does... I'm not addressing HIM or HIS actions... I'm talking about how it still scares the **** outta me that people react to him the way they do, because its not a "handful of Right Wing Followers of Rush Listeners" but whole movements to the man like he is some kind of God-king. You can't tell me 90% of those kids in that "Hilter Youth Song" video that Jetboat posted had ANY idea what Obama has done in the past 10 days and why that is significant... they are being indoctrinated by SOMEONE... maybe teachers or parents or someone.

Now if you excuse me I need to go have a bowl of Cheeri-Obamas.
Relax, everybody. The first year in office is known as the Honeymoon for a reason. This, too shall pass.

Personally, I am cynical that Obama can do half of what he set out to do, but I would love to be proven wrong. Like Carol said, he needs to be challenged (not worshipped) in order to do his job -- but in a respectful way. Like it or not, he is the president now and I won't be a hypocrite and start to bash him like the Dems bashed Bush when he was in office...and still do...
The higher up we put him on a pedistal, the further he will fall. The problem is, we fall with him.

I didn't vote for him(or the other guy for that matter), but as a nation we must support him.

He is against what I am for and for what I am against, but still, we must support him. If the president fails,we all fail.
Great post I edited it a little..
I didn't write it, but thanks. The writing, widely attributed to Martin Niemöller, seemed appropriate when you asked the question, "What came first?"

Your edit was, well, interesting. How one takes a piece of prose about passivity in the face of the final solution and translates it into "The GVT is taking everything... now that the big three are more or less owned by washington" is... I'm speechless.

WE are losing everything I don't care if you blame Bush,Clinton or Bozo.
Brother, I haven't blamed anyone. I do wonder why people people are flipping their lids over a few YouTube videos praising a President.

But as you can see if we don't speak up now.. we will soon have no voice...

That's pretty much always been the case. Silence gives consent, regardless of who is running the goverment. Your thread is predicated on a couple of videos which have provided you with slender means to back a fairly paranoid argument.

Is that the point being made by this post?

I have no idea.
The higher up we put him on a pedistal, the further he will fall. The problem is, we fall with him.

I didn't vote for him(or the other guy for that matter), but as a nation we must support him.

He is against what I am for and for what I am against, but still, we must support him. If the president fails,we all fail.

The thing is, this thread isn't about Supporting Obama, or is he good for us, or should we challenge him... IMO the OP is pointing out a Climate of President Worship unseen previously in this country. The OP did state he wants to see Obama fail, fine... I don't specifically want that, but how any of you can look upon the crazy "Obama Worship" occuring and not go "WTF is happening?" or just ignore and dismiss it baffles me completely. I hope I am wrong, but it scares the hell outta me.
Sitting on my *** no, hoping he will fail yes. I did not vote for him and just like the people who did not vote for Bush they hoped for his failure.
But I am just saying we have never seen this kind of activity for any other president. If we have I will eat my hat, I have been wrong before and am not afraid to admit when I am.
But letÂ’s look at the similarities between him and some other famous leader.
1) Obama is all for Gun bans I know I am a gun owner from Illinois.
2) Kids are singing songs TO him, you think these kids know what Obama stands for they are what 10 at the most, this is indoctrination.
3) Media control and fear of speaking out about him, how many Leno jokes have you heard??? Hell it seems if it is bad just to say you hope he fails.
Yea it is only three but what a big three donÂ’t ya think?

Jetboat, making comparisons of Obama to Hitler is trivializing Hitler, perhaps you should save that comparison for something more serious.
Ten days in office, and people are comparing him to Hitler. I think Bush was in for a few months before it got to that.

Actually, it was more likely before the election for Bush and it continued through to the end. State of emergency and martial law were to indefinitely postpone the 2008 election. When that didn't happen the same were to indefinitely postpone Obama's innauguration.

It's interesting to see the role reversal and hypocrisy from some of the loyal partisans of the two major parties.
Personally I could care less about the wackos. I'd rather see President Obama's critics ignoring the Kool-Aid drinkers and paying more attention to the issues at hand.

Par for the course.

Why is spending trillions of taxpayer money the only way out of this economic morass?

Does the GOP (or anyone opposed to the spending) have any ideas besides voting "no" on the bills?

That was fascinating to watch on the new. All these Republicans in the House and Senate, when the President came to call, saying what a great guy he was, voting no to his bill, and offering no substantive alternatives.

Your argument about a lack of leadership in opposition is well-made.

Yes, he has only been in office for 10 days, but it has been nearly 3 months since the election. President Obama has assembled his staff and cabinet.

I know what you mean. I think I was the first to make the "10-day" comment in response into the hyperventilating over a couple of videos of singing children.
I can tell you guys my take on the Obamamania.

Think back to the last time you were really sick. If you'll forgive me for being a little graphic, there's a point. I mean really sick. I was so sick once that I spent 4 days sitting in the bathroom with a bucket between my legs. My fever would spike to about 103-104 and I couldn't keep anything in me, including water and ultimately ended up having to spend a few days time in the hospital simply to keep me hydrated with fluids. It was awful, a full week of nausea and delirium and fever as my body struggled to fix itself.

The point is, when I felt better... when the fever broke... I felt GREAT! I felt better than I had ever felt before. It was normal, and normal felt so friggin good I could have danced a jig I was so happy. THAT is where the country is right now.

I know that there are people who support and have supported President Bush. Fine. I get that. But many, many people didn't. Most people didn't. For most of the people in this country, the last 4 years have been terrible. For many, the last 8 years have been terrible. It's been a long period of delirium and nausea and now... having a President who can speak intelligently, who seems intellectually curious, who seems genuinely interested in making things better, it's like waking up after the fever breaks. Normal feels friggin good.

This isn't blind worship. He'll still need to make things work, but the GOP needs to be careful that they don't overplay their hand. If he tries to work with the GOP and they continually obstruct the process, Obama may use his bully pulpit to appeal directly to the people and it could be bad for any chance to regain seats in congress.
That was fascinating to watch on the new. All these Republicans in the House and Senate, when the President came to call, saying what a great guy he was, voting no to his bill, and offering no substantive alternatives.

In the House both Republicans and some Democrats voted against this new huge spending package, but only Democrats voted for it. There is some bi-partisanship going on.

I think a person can disagree with someone they consider a "great guy" especially when he is hosting the cocktail party. Of course, whether an alternative stimulus is substantive is like porn, often in the eye of the beholder.
I think a person can disagree with someone they consider a "great guy" especially when he is hosting the cocktail party. Of course, whether an alternative stimulus is substantive is like porn, often in the eye of the beholder.
That's funny.
I'm no political buff, but I was reading this, and I really felt like I needed to throw this out there...

I'm not an Obama fan. I wasn't a McCain fan, either. In fact, I wrote in my vote, because I didn't really like anyone on the ballot.

I have my reasons for not liking any of them. Most of them are individual reasons for disliking the individual...but the one reason that I can say carries across the board:

I don't trust politicians.


That being said...I have my worries about the whole "President worship" thing. I live in GA....well, south GA, to be more precise. Around here, both the "worship" and the "extreme hatred" are both fueled by the same thing, and I hate to bring it up, but it's the truth:


It seems around here, the vast majority of the population of black men and women voted for him simply because he is black. I've talked to quite a few of these people...and their response is generally the same: they have no idea what the man stands for, what he wants to do with this country, or if he's even a legit citizen of the United States. All that seems to matter is that we're putting a black man in the President's chair.

It reminds me of a skit that was on Chappelle's Show on Comedy Central...where anyone and everyone who was black was to receive "repirations". That's the vibe I get from what everyone around here is thinking his term in office is going to be.

On the flip side, all of the mostly older white people around here hate the man because he's black...and they (ironically enough) hate him seemingly because of the same scenerio from Chapelle's Show. They all think that he's going to be anti-white, pro-black, and that the world's going to hell.

It's all pretty sad, honestly. The whole reason we're in the mess we're in is because people who are in charge of the money that we earn that we pay back to the government are looking to better themselves first, and then the rest of the nation after that. In other words, my tax money, for some reason, keeps going into somebody else's pockets, and I'm still broke as hell.

I also agree with what stevebjj is this point, after Bush...I would feel relieved if a freakin' martian took over the Presidency. The last 4 years have been 1 big headache for me financially, and just the simple fact that Obama is at least trying to do something about it makes me feel better.

Admittedly, I have no idea what is involved in the stimulus package. I don't understand what the projected effect is going to be on the economy. I've only recently started trying to follow what's going on in the government, and I'm still trying to understand what everything means. But I know enough about it at this point to understand that whatever impact Obama makes on us, good or bad, should in no way be attributed to race...and I'm afraid that that's a huge part of what's going on around here.

Small-minded people = disaster for us.
None of them (that I have seen) Sang "Bush Bush Will Save The World" or marched in military fatigues and called out how he is personally responsible for giving them a chance.

They defended torture, the removal of civil liberties, preemptive war, governmental secrecy, and a whole host of other actual ills. Even if they never acted like Obama's supporters, they enabled and defended the worst of the Bush regime. That is substance far worse than the show here.

Besides, there was plenty of that with Bush.
Besides, there was plenty of that with Bush.


Let's all be afraid of people becoming inspired to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, getting involved, working to help others, ending an unwinable war. Yep - let's all be afraid of that.

I suppose the REAL question is this:

Where is the line for hero worship? What determines the unhealthy point?

The picture someone posted of a Jesus statue with an Obama mask on it was odd ... hopefully it was a joke. And read this, please: I don't deny there are idiots out there actually worshipping not only Barack Obama but many other world leaders, celebrities ... there's all kinds of kooks out there.

But when we back away, for a fleeting moment of our information-soaked adult lives, these children have been impressed with not only a notion, but the REALITY that a person of color can become president in the United States of America. For those who are not white, it must be an almost excruciatingly exciting time.

So ... give the kids their time of joy, hope and inspiration. Let them become inspired. Allow their hopes to build and eventually to be dashed. It is the way of things; of learning the hard lessons, that just because a person is inspiring doesn't always mean they are performing. Nor does it mean they are able to affect the change they want or promised to make.

Perhaps this inspiration will cause them to care in a way their parents did not.
But this is exactly what I mean... no one wants to contest the man, its like he holds sway over the masses like a Fakir and a Cobra... even if its unintentional on his part...

I don't think its about not wanting to contest him. Its a dearth of leadership in the party. Senator McCain went on the attack during the campaign...but his campaign had no luster. The highlights to the GOP convention were lipstick on pigs and "drill baby drill". The GOP till talks the talk about limited spending and limited government, but the elected officials in power don't vote that way. The 1994 Republicans ran on balancing the budget, tort reform, a per-child tax credit, truth in sentencing laws, welfare reform, breaking from the UN Peacekeepers, term limits, and job creation. The 2008 Republicans ran on drilling in Anwar, anti gay-marriage, support of Iraq, and standing against the privatization of health care and lawd almighty dere's a pro-life gurl on the ticket. Did we bloody have to re-open the evolution debate during the primaries???? OK, +1 for the evangelical Protestant vote. Where's the "It's the economy, stupid" sign from Clinton '92?

Even now I hear right-of-center viewpoint say "Well, if the left tries to inflict more gun control, then that will put the Republicans back power because that's what happened in 1994. I strongly disagree. Yes, the backlash against the gun laws drove firearms supporters from both sides to the polls, but the GOP could not have achieved the gains it did without Newt Gingrich's leadership behind the Contract With America. It was what they plan to do, why they plan to do it, and how they plan to get it done. The response from the Democrats at the time was largely criticizing and name calling. Boohoo, its the contract on America. Boohoo, Newt Gingrich is a meany and he's weird. The Democrats did not rise to the occasion and counter what Speaker Gingrich was able to do.

If race does play a role in countering President Obama, then its reinforcing to the GOP that if they come, they better come correct. Much like "boo hoo its the contract on America" did little for the Democrats in 1994, "boo hoo Obama will take all of our guns" will do little for the Republicans in 2009, and they might even get their wrist slapped in the process. Perhaps they need it. Criticism and empty whines do nothing. There needs to be substance.

The message to the GOP seems clear. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Unfortunately, they are choosing the latter.
Yep I was wrong... OBAMA OBAMA dear OBAMA save me for I can not save myself, please come and help me OBAMA for you are the way....

I am going to quit work let the house go into forcloser the boat as well...
For that matter the new car.. hell I am going to even let ALL of you pay for it... THANKS...

glad i stocked up on ammo.....
Besides, there was plenty of that with Bush.

So I see ONE video by some religious nut with a Cutout getting people to pray for the (now former) president because he claimed to be a spiritual man. What I didn't see was them singing "Bush Bush he's gonna save me". I didn't see them Pledging an oath to Him. I didn't see them Jackstepping in combat fatigues screaming out oaths of what he has given them a chance to do. And I don't see a reworking of the American Flag in Bush's Initials plastered all over.

And I'm sorry to say, IMO, that saying "Its a great thing Obama is in office because he's black" is as racist (reverse racism?) as some of the Hicks saying how awful it is he is in office for the same reason. It's still an issue of race. Can't the man be in office because he was best suited to the Job?

Well... based on his past experience and his Voting record for his home state, he wasn't, really... He was a Black man who happened to not be Republican. Those 2 factors probably had more to do with him getting elected than his Ability. That, and McCain wasn't a very good candidate either and we arent allowed to elect third party members. But I digress. In the past 11 days the man has been in office I have seen 6 videos of straight up Obama Worship, compared to ONE example someone was able to provide of past presidents, that didn't really even show Bush worship.

I do hope that I am wrong, and that the Obamamania dies off and we get back to some level-headed thinking, but I really am terrified that ANYTHING the man wants to do will be Ok'ed by his loyal army of whatever the hell those Combat Fatigue Wearing Obama Made Me Great shouting youth were in that Video.