Personally I could care less about the wackos. I'd rather see President Obama's critics ignoring the Kool-Aid drinkers and paying more attention to the issues at hand.
I don't want to see President Obama fail. I'd like to see him succeed so well that I am inspired to vote for him in 4 years. For that to happen, he needs to be challenged, contested, countered. I'm not yet seeing how, or if, that is going to happen.
But this is exactly what I mean... no one wants to contest the man, its like he holds sway over the masses like a Fakir and a Cobra... even if its unintentional on his part...
Hell... look at some of the posts IN THIS THREAD where people like Suk and Haga (no offense guys) who don't even live here are like "Woo hoo, at least he's not Bush!" That's all well and good, and like I said, I am not blaming him... but I am frightened by the amount of... "Patriotism?" people have begun showing the MAN as opposed to the Nation. Jetboat brings up a good point in his original post: Say what you want about Right-wing nutjobs who liked Bush, or what have you... None of them (that I have seen) Sang "Bush Bush Will Save The World" or marched in military fatigues and called out how he is personally responsible for giving them a chance. Nor did I ever see a Giant "R" logo for Regan "C" Logo for Clinton or "B" logo for Bush... But we have the Obama Super Pepsi-O logo.
Say what you want about how new Obama is, and what he is trying to do, that's fine... I've said it before, I don't trust mainstream candidates on either side, but We'll see what Obama does... I'm not addressing HIM or HIS actions... I'm talking about how it still scares the **** outta me that people react to him the way they do, because its not a "handful of Right Wing Followers of Rush Listeners" but whole movements to the man like he is some kind of God-king. You can't tell me 90% of those kids in that "Hilter Youth Song" video that Jetboat posted had ANY idea what Obama has done in the past 10 days and why that is significant... they are being indoctrinated by SOMEONE... maybe teachers or parents or someone.
Now if you excuse me I need to go have a bowl of Cheeri-Obamas.