This is MA


Senior Master
Last nigh afther some kicking the class did some kind of Ssirum (ancient korean wrestling), basically we sat back to back with our oponent and at the comand of fight turn face each other and on knees (it's not allowed to stand up) wrestl and try to pin down the oponente and like in tv wrestling the winner has to put flat the back and shoulders (both) of the oponent for 3 senconds count to win.

Basically it was a mat (floor) work, something like MMA but without punches, so basically wrestling. I use many moves to throw off balance to my oponents,locks, etc,etc, I had 6 fights and loose only one.

I ended the class with swollen arms and chest because of the fights and very very tired. This kind of wresting is very interesting cause it shows how to deal with someone over you in the floor.

That was a MA class, I mean, with heavy contact and not only kicking the air.

Congrats and good luck on your journey in exploring another fighting range. It sounds like you're getting something out of it.

I would suggest an conscious effort in breathing on the ground and relaxing. Make your opponent uncomfortable with his position while you're comfortable with your dominant position.

Have fun!
I would like to hear more about Ssirum. What did your teacher tell you? I have never heard of it.

Congrats and good luck on your journey in exploring another fighting range. It sounds like you're getting something out of it.

I would suggest an conscious effort in breathing on the ground and relaxing. Make your opponent uncomfortable with his position while you're comfortable with your dominant position.

Have fun!

In fact I did waht you wrote, god breathing and try to be confortable on the matt and let the other guy go tird till I did my move jejejejeje.

I would like to hear more about Ssirum. What did your teacher tell you? I have never heard of it.


What I know about Ssirum it was a kind of game or training that Hwarang Do warriors did as a complement to fencing,archery,horse-ridding and subak (an old form of TKD).....Tae Kwon Do Textbook chapter 1, page 34, kukiwon edition O Sung Publishing Company.

My sambunim teachs some kind of ssirum, one form is standing facing each other and clenching necks like in grecoroman wrestling and the first one who touches the mat with any part of the body but feet loses. The next form of ssirum is sitting on the mat backs tooching an on comand face eachother and without standing (on the knees) wrestl till nail down the oponent flat on his/her back and both shoulders toching the matt and the count of three.

This reminds me of a game taught to the kids in our BJJ school where they sit back to back with a ball pinned between their shoulders, they then turn to get the ball and attempt to get out of the ring.

I'm curious. Are you guys taught any technique for groundfighting or is this intended to be an adaptation of what you already know?
Thanks for the link, I can see how that would be alot of fun, enjoy.