This is interesting...

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Try not to peak at the answers!

Very Good Questions.....

Question 1:

If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were
deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis; would
you recommend that she have an abortion?

Read the next question before scrolling down to the answer of this one.

Question 2:
It is time to elect a new world leader, and your vote counts. Here are the
facts about the three leading candidates:

Candidate A: Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with
astrologists. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to
10 martinis a day.

Candidate B: He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used
opium in college and drinks a quart of whisky every evening.

Candidate C: He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke,
drinks an occasional beer and hasn't had any extramarital affairs.

Which of these candidates would be your choice?
(Decide first, no peeking, then scroll down for the answer).

> > > > Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt,
> > > > Candidate B is Winston Churchill,
> > > > Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.

And by the way: Answer to the abortion question if you said yes, you just
killed Beethoven.

Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging
someone...and remember, Amateurs built the ark .... Professionals built the
Titanic >>
Out of 1 Franklin and 1 Churchill, how many millions of people who fit that profile, actually turned out to be the real scum they were accurately profiled?

Out of 1 Hitler that turned out to be evil, how many millions of people that fit the profile turned out to be decent human beings?

Out of 1 Beethoven, how many kids given birth by syphilis mothers turned out to suffer horribly?

You are taking the 1 in millions exception, to make stunning relevation. :)
But these one-in-millions had a huge impact on the world. That's the point. I didn't actually make it up, it was sent to me. But I think it's an interesting example of "you can't judge a book by it's cover." It's also a good way of describing how "good" can come out of a bad situation, and how "evil" can come from seemingly good people.

I just found it interesting, so I thought I'd share. :cool:
Very interesting.......I knew Hitler and Churchhill But I had no-idea about Beethoven
Originally posted by PAUL
...and remember, Amateurs built the ark .... Professionals built the Titanic >>

I had seen one of those before. Nice post.

I ESPECIALLY Love that quote. I'm going to use it and pass it around. Where did you get it? I love it. Thanks.
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
Out of 1 Franklin and 1 Churchill, how many millions of people who fit that profile, actually turned out to be the real scum they were accurately profiled?

Out of 1 Hitler that turned out to be evil, how many millions of people that fit the profile turned out to be decent human beings?

Out of 1 Beethoven, how many kids given birth by syphilis mothers turned out to suffer horribly?

You are taking the 1 in millions exception, to make stunning relevation. :)


What is your point? That Beethoven's mother should have had an abortion and that Hitler deserved to be voted into office?

It is hard to tell from your post.
I ESPECIALLY Love that quote. I'm going to use it and pass it around. Where did you get it? I love it. Thanks.

Yea, it's pretty cool. I've heard that analogy used before, but my mom had e-mailed this little thing to me.

Originally posted by cdhall

What is your point? That Beethoven's mother should have had an abortion and that Hitler deserved to be voted into office?

It is hard to tell from your post.

Actually the question is the other way around. Are we suppose to vote in crooks and thieves and adultrers, hoping that out of the tens of thousands who would ruin the country, one of them turn out to be Churchil or FDR? And are we suppose to let millions of babies to be born blind, mentally retarded, and with all other defect, hoping that one of them turn out to be Beethoven?
1. To give the unborn a chance whenever possible


2. Look more into who your electing to be your leader then whats on the surface.

But, that is just my humble opinion...:) :asian:
All three guys had a rather good public or political persona, not just the snap shot profile listed there. :) People voted them into office based on those political persona, NOT the snap shot profile you listed. In fact, I don't think people back then even knew any of those profile snap shots of their leaders.

But your point is well taken.

As for abortion, if you know the babies are to be born blind, or with other defect, it would be a really hard call to make. I personally would go for abortion. But on the other hand, I know of a happy and bubbly 11 year old who was born blind, to a worthless mother. She is under the care and nurture of her loving grandparents and is prospering. I would give my life for her. So it would be a very very very hard call for me, if I have to make that choice. Since I am a guy. I would most likely go with what my spouse decides and support her 100%all the way. No reasonable mother would take such decision lightly and she would need all the support she can get and more, for the rest of her life.
Unless any of you gentleman plan on giving birth soon, I suggest you choose another topic. I've seen this before from anti-abortion advocates.

Sorry Paul, to be a pain in the ***. Just my view.
Originally posted by Jill666
Unless any of you gentleman plan on giving birth soon, I suggest you choose another topic. I've seen this before from anti-abortion advocates.

Sorry Paul, to be a pain in the ***. Just my view.

On the rare occasions people ask my stance on abortion, I tell them I can't answer, since I'm not a woman.

Yes, I have my own personal beliefs on the subject, but since I can't ever get pregnant (whew!), I feel I have no basis to take any such stance. Furthermore, it isn't an issue I ever had to personally deal with, so I have no emotional basis to go by, either.

I'm going to make a judgement call here....

Opinions on the abortion issue run hot, and every discussion I've seen so far has gotten ugly.

In order to keep the peace here, I'm locking this one.

If anyone wants to discuss it, thats fine, but please, not here. It's too hard of a topic to unbiasedly moderate, and too prone to flaming up.

Thank you.

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