This guy is amazing!!


Master Black Belt
One of the best performances I've seen in a long time- make sure you have your sound on.
I think your hyperlink to this site is not working correctly. But after cut and pasting the link to my browser I was able to view it. Good stuff! He is awesome!
LOL! That was excellent!

I'll bet with the amount of practice that took, it'll be a long time before he has any desire to listen to Abbey Road again. :erg:
On the juggling side....

if anyone knows of a place I can find footage of Michael Moschen, I would be greatful!

And yes....
I have searched the net like crazy!

And for those of you who don't know him; he was the stand-in hand for David Bowie in the movie Laberynth.
Remember the crystal balls?!
Bammx2 said:
On the juggling side....

if anyone knows of a place I can find footage of Michael Moschen, I would be greatful!

And yes....
I have searched the net like crazy!

And for those of you who don't know him; he was the stand-in hand for David Bowie in the movie Laberynth.
Remember the crystal balls?!

I used to have a video tape from about 1984 of MM. I was just about to mention him. makes this guy look like a beginner, really! I'll see if I can dig that up
Great links you guys have added- thanks!! I've had fun watching them all. Truly incredible!!
I can't wait til we move next week and I have DSL instead of this damn dial up connection...I don't get to see any of the good clips cuz it takes too long to load and then moves too slow to watch...*sigh*