Thinkining out of the box creative training cdf


White Belt
Thinking out of the box makes you more creative in your martial arts training so you don,t become stale but refreshed by trying new things and new inovatitive approches to martial arts training. The ancients methods of training are sometimes lost because their no longer trained or we become closed minded to open our minds to what works whether it be a modern approch or traditional training methods and ideas . Every martial art system or teacher has something to offer not one person has it all or systems of fighting their are many systems it will take you a life time to study and be profient in the martial art just alone the Chinese martial arts may have over 500 styles many also died with their masters or family systems. No matter what martial art you study you always want to feel yours is the best which is great and honor your master or teacher or trainer for his time and energy to train you it take two his guidence and your hard work . Martial arts is a great thing that not only teaches a punch and a kick but a way of life of building ones charecter besides bringing all ethnic groups around the world together as one . There is nothing like martial arts and i have been in it for over 40 years and began teaching in 1975 over 15,000 students besides i am always a student besides being a Sifu . Here,s one of my creative cdf training drill we use in my seminars or at my academy . Take an eye patch and try to cross arms in wing chun , boxing , takwon do kicking and sparring or kali stick fighting or ground grappling jujitsu , or jeet kune do put it on your right eye or let eye or oppposites in most fights you will get hit in the eye where you lose depth perception where you range of striking your target is not on the money . Plus your open to outside line attacks like hooks and haymakers plu being blind on one side don,t make it better . It dosen,t matter what martial art you are this drill can help you develop a sense of awareness like no other reaction and timing are key factors great for mma ,ufc training as well as traditional training to develop yourself to another level of thinking out of the box . Also if you lose one eye you have to relie on one eye to work for both and turn your head slightly the more you play with this idea the better you get .All you need is an eye path and yourself or a group of students that are openminded and ready to train . At times its great to take yourself out of your element and be creative . I have met many great martial artists that continue to grow everyday and the belief of keeping the martial arts alive. We all have a gift and i Thank my teacher Grand Master Wai Lun Chois and Sifu Rich Lamoureaux who always taught me to think out of the box as well as Guro Danny Inosanto whonstudied with the late bruce Lee if it wasen,t for them i would not be where i am today Always give respect to your masters . Create is to create the first thought in the development of martial arts ,develop in in the training of the mind as well as the body and flow is to be instinctive without thought but to react without thinking in in combat in defending ones self . CDf academy Sifu Jack i have taught many great students and i have learned just as much as they have learned from me . Martial talk is a great website i am honored to be on it again .

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