Things that tweak my spindle.

1.Idiots that walk around with pants hanging below their butts and their underwear showing and believe it is a fashion statement..
I'm kinda getting tired of people in general.
I don't have a spindle... :uhyeah:

But whoever gave me this cold/sore throat over a weekend when I'm supposed to be moving has certainly got me tweaked. :angry:
Active drug addicts. Keep yer drama to yourself!! (I have nothing but respect for addicts in recovery ... but anyone using? Plegh.)

People who neglect their dogs and imprison them in the backyard for life with no interaction. Bonus points for wondering why they grow up with behavior problems.

People who just know that everyone on public assistance is abusing the system because their cousin's hairdresser's ex went to church with someone on food stamps, and they looked just fine to him.

Insomnia. Cold germs. Winter nights with no one of my own species to snuggle.
Idiots whose first sentence to you if it slips out that you study the martial arts " Kar-otty hun? I kicked a some back belts butt once...
When people say, "apology accepted" when no apology was necessary, let alone offered.
People that feel the need to be on their cell phones constantly no matter WHERE they are...Thankfully there are a few stores around here that will not wait on you if you are too busy talking to pay attention to the next to be served chart....