Things that keep you going when feeling down

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Things that keep you going when feeling down

  • A good workout

  • New material to learn

  • A tournament in sight

  • Testing for a belt

  • Friends pushing you

  • Other

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i love to fight with my fellow instructors at our mandatory workouts. when i'm feeling alittle stressed from teaching the previous day i request a good old fight class. put your gloves on and a mouth peice and go at it. so fullfilling
I would also have liked to pick two. A hard work out and new material. I opted for new material.

It depends on how you are feeling at the time as to what would work better. Sometimes when Im feeling flat, the basics in the hard work out end up the same then I get more frustrated with myself. Other times its good not to have to think and just pump it out.

If I am having a low day while instructing the children (they are very hard work especially after a grading or closer to school holidays) I find that my Instructors (for my training) either involve me in a class where I have a good work out or else they will put me in front of the adults to take their class, thats always a good one to pull you out of a downer.
I also wanted to vote for more than one thing, but voted for "new material" because at my old school (where I studied before going to Mr. Billings) I spent about two years per belt. While there are some advantages to that kind of meticulous training, I got burned out just doing the same material over & over & over & over again (because at that school no one was allowed to learn any new techniques or forms until they had tested for belt or stripe). I went to as many seminars/camps as I could, as well as re-read "The Journey" & watched tapes. Those did work--for a while. The encouragement from my fellow students & instructors (both past & present) has always been a big help, and the workouts help me to forget about my problems for a while, as everyone else has said.

And, while I could've taken aerobics (& have in the past), Kenpo is the only activity I have ever done that has enough aspects to keep me from getting bored (not just the physical aspects, but the intellectual & philosophical aspects as well). Obviously, people expect/want different things from their martial arts training. I have been in Kenpo long enough to know what I want from a school/instructor, and am just glad to still be in it right now. Each of us must do what is best for ourselves, & as Mr. Billings put it so well in another thread, "to learn from all or none, as we choose." :asian:

Thanks--I'm glad I found this thread. :D
I find a good work out to does wonders, probably because of the combination of released endorphins and the distressing action hitting things.

Another thing that keeps me going and motivated is the understanding that only I have the power to change or improve my life.
I just need to go to class and have a hard workout when I get down or distracted with other things in my life and I see that I am neglecting my practice. I am motivated by the synergy I feel when working out with the other dedicated students at my school. It almost always pulls me out of a slump.
I like to re-read old Deadly Hands of Kung Fu comics. Seeing the Sons of the Tiger in action always gets me back on my feet.
A great work out always gets my spirits up. I feel good about myself, and then I feel even better when I know that I accomplished something for both my body and mind.

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