Thefts At Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Have Doubled Since 2003

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Note to self: Fly Southwest to Love Field if I ever have to go to Dallas :D
I trust the airlines so little, I'd rather drive the 37 hrs from Buffalo to Austin, than do an 9 hr flight.
Yeah but I trust my driving even less :lol:
Hey, you made it home eventually from the M&G. ;)
Eventually! :D But if (when!) I come see y'all in the great state of Tejas, I'll be on a plane. ;)
It's the stripping half naked, being poked, prodded and screamed at that gets me, plus being required to deal with rudeness, delays, and having stuff stolen from your luggage regularly that did it all for me. I figure, it may take a little longer, but it was still cheaper for 2 to drive than fly. Plus, I wasn't required to goto ChiTown.
If only an ultralights had a range of 500 miles....

If only an ultralights had a range of 500 miles....


Don't some experimentals have that kind of range?

I know the "flying car" does but that's not experimental.
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