"theeeeee System"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Daniel Eugene Norvell
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Daniel Eugene Norvell,

what did this chinese master teach?? is he still alive ???
Didn't mean it racially at all - and am very sorry for that -
What I meant was ... In the area I live in all the streetgangs
here are Black ... Gangster Deciples mostly ... I wanted him
to know a REAL self-defense system, so he could keep himself
out of trouble, and not get into ganster/dope selling situation. By learning Kenpo, he found his self respect, Played on the Baseball, Football teams, was also into Track and Wrestling.
REEEEEAALLY SORRY .... No racial remark intended ......

I don't know the Chinese (TAIWAN) instructors name. At that time
in 1970 didn't know what was going on. I do remember, his two sons were fighting (they wore padding every where). Then
the Instructor walked in and just started watching the fight.
After a little while, he just started yelling at one of his sons.
Seems, that his son blocked a groin shot incorrectly. So the
instructor started fighting with his other son ... and when his
son threw the groin shot ... the instructor caught the groin punch between his hand and knee .... then turned to his other son
to see if he understood the move.
Would also like to pass on that my Daughter
In-Law and beautiful Grandson are black.
Best In Kenpo
Welcome to the board. It's good to hear from someone who enjoys Kenpo so much.

You must be a particularly singular individual...
Originally posted by Daniel Eugene Norvell
...since in 1970 China had not yet opened its borders. I don't think even Nixon had gotten there yet. It must have been quite an adventure.

Now if by "China" you mean Taiwan, the instructor you're describing sounds like Hong Yixiang (Hung I-hsiang).
Originally posted by Randy Strausbaugh
Welcome to the board. It's good to hear from someone who enjoys Kenpo so much.

You must be a particularly singular individual...

...since in 1970 China had not yet opened its borders. I don't think even Nixon had gotten there yet. It must have been quite an adventure.

Now if by "China" you mean Taiwan, the instructor you're describing sounds like Hong Yixiang (Hung I-hsiang).

perhaps, our friend mistakenly mentioned "One China" policy in 1970???:D :D Any history professor here ????? Gotta clarify that ????

i don't know who Hong Yixiang is. If you have more info about this person, pls let us know. I want to know:D :D ;)
Originally Posted By Daniel Eugene Norvell:

"my son had to go to a Black highschool..."

This remark is rascist... and I don't see it any other way.

Originally Posted By Daniel Eugene Norvell:

"no one knew at his highschool that he had any back ground in the marial arts ... and no one ... ever challenged him (even the GANGERS DECIPLES) .... he had the aura, confidence (he was Chicago Fighting Champion and Forms) but they didn't know that."

I find this extreemely interesting. Maybe it had nothing to do with his "AURA", and more to do with the other kids in his school being "more civilized" black folk?

Look... "REAL" Hardcore gang members, regardless of their race, carry guns... and if "they" wanted to hurt someone (including your son) they'd shoot 'em (and probably half a dozen other innocent bystanders when doing so).

Originally Posted By Daniel Eugene Norvell:

"Didn't mean it racially at all - and am very sorry for that -
What I meant was ... In the area I live in all the streetgangs
here are Black ..."

You should try being a little more "color blind" in your statements. The mere fact that you made these racial distinctions in your posts is racist, period.

Originally Posted By Daniel Eugene Norvell:

"Would also like to pass on that my Daughter In-Law and beautiful Grandson are black."

Yeah... that's as bad as saying: "It's okay. My best friend is black." :shrug:
Originally posted by Daniel Eugene Norvell:

"I'm retired from the military and spent 10 years in the Far East
China, Okinawa, Misawa Japan, Philippines (where I studied some Goju kai kan) and been to Dojo's in China (Actual Red Belt instuctor - which required a kill-)"

I guess killing people makes it a more legit martial arts system? If that's the case I must be wasting my time and money. Sheesh, I should look into taking lessons with Richard Ramirez (a.k.a. The Night Stalker) before they put him and his effective method of self-defense to death.
Wont be able to change Ur mind.... But, The school is still black
no matter how you put it ... 9 years ago, like I've said before
the only thing to fear is MAN.... To me KENPO teaches a self-defense system 2nd to none. When anyone understands the
concept of KENPO, and the knowledge that YOU could take a
life, U have to follow UR heart, because KENPO, doesn't really
teach compassion for your opponent. That is why, when I show
people Kenpo, they can see the beauty/brutality of it, but I also point out IS IT REALLY NECESSARY, can't u just walk away, what do you have to prove. It is only use in a SELF-DEFENSE situation.

Best In Kenpo
Originally posted by Bill Lear
You should try being a little more "color blind" in your statements. The mere fact that you made these racial distinctions in your posts is racist, period.

This is off topic, but you call a blonde haired girl a blonde, don't you?

Remarks in the internet show more of the people who read them than the people writing them. Now, if everyone try to see the positive side of the post, or at least the neutral one instead of being nitty-picky...
Originally posted by Kenpomachine
This is off topic, but you call a blonde haired girl a blonde, don't you?

Remarks in the internet show more of the people who read them than the people writing them. Now, if everyone try to see the positive side of the post, or at least the neutral one instead of being nitty-picky...

I guess you went to an all blonde school, eh? And that surely must have scared you enough to take up Kenpo. Give me a break, and read this guys post again. :shrug:
This is off topic, but you call a blonde haired girl a blonde, don't you?

This is not about what you call someone, the complaint was making a generalization based on race.

So making a generalization about hair color is somewhat better?

What I was trying to say is that most of the times you apply all the connotations you have for a word while reading other's messages.

Perhaps he was just implying what he later said, that his son was going to a high school with a high proportion of gang members.

If he would have been racist he wouldn't have taken his son to that high school, would he?

And I agree with him in that kenpo gives you self assurance and that it may help avoid conflicts.
Please, let's move on. Take any discussions of racism to The Locker Room. The issue is important but we prefer that the arts for be used to discuss the arts.

-MT Admin-