The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention.

I know Master Long's name.

I was going by the name used in the 2004 issue of Kung Fu Magazine where the front cover calls him:


I did not think I was out of order using his name like this.

It was in 2004 that I wrote Master Long. He went into meditation last year I believe.

I hope this settles your mind Xue Sheng.

I initially put my ideas out there to you all to test the waters. I can see I churned the pot. Please forgive me.

I am in the middle of negotiations with a record producer in my city and about to become partners to bring this thing to the world. So I was not sure I wanted to be fully known yet here until I got his advice on the matter.

Don't be silly Xue Sheng. No I did not get these wacky ideas as you all are perceiving them from the movies.

Further more I am not trying to impress any one. I was just seeing how this knowledgeable crowd would react to what is to come.

I was not ready to go to Wudang as the last aspects of my invention only came last week G-d willing I will go to Wudang someday.

Hey Dr. Yang did not have to remember he is a very busy man. The new style, he labeled it that way I didn't.

I don't have to say a word on what I read. Just many many things.

This is not Dialing for Dollars $$$$$.

I want no ones money. I mentioned I am preparing for funding.

Look here since I am not going to show images at this time I am glad to end this now so as not allow for anymore aggravation on the members of this forum.

Please except my apologizes for any ire created within any one.

Dear Xue Sheng I have not said an UGLY word here if I did I beg YOUR forgiveness.

I wanted nothing but to express my thought on what I am doing with my invention nothing more nor less. You all have turned on the spot lights.

The great Tai Chi Master. I wanted to tell my story and all details of HOW he saved my life. But......................................................................

Maybe I do sound like blathering idiot. Sorry once again.


No worries and Dr Yang would not remember me either even though he once told me during push hands that I have a good center and good root, just before he applied qinna and put me on the ground.

Note on Master Zhong Yun Long name. In China the last name is put first and it is put ahead of any title in the Chinese language, basically in English Master Zhong in Chinese Zhong Sifu. The way we look at it in the West his name would be written Yunlong Zhong

For example Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin would be, to Westerners, Mr. Hu and Mr. Jiang. My Sifu’s Sifu was Tung Ying Jie. Again in the west he is Teacher Tung. In China he would be Tung Sifu. But then to a Chinese person addressing someone named Hu Jintao they would be saying Hu xiānshēng.

Yang Jwing Ming is not Sifu Ming he is Sifu Yang or in China Yang Sifu. This is just a long way of saying that Master Zhong Yun Long is not Master Long but Master Zhong. Zhong is his family name Yunlong is his given name and in Chinese if you address someone by their given name and you know them you would get away with Yunlong. But if you are calling him Long you would be a family member or a close friend. That is at least my experience.

Actually considering who Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin are it is likely you would not be calling them mister or xiānshēng, but for example purposes I used their names.
I sense a calming down here.

I will be checking out for awhile.

And if you want when I return I will give a verbal explanation of the features of my
Yin-Yang Secrets Invention.

It will have to do for now but it might surprise everyone to hear in this manner what this is all about.

The reason I asked if you are in Boston because that where this Great Mastser lives.

I'll tell you one thing about his beginnings in Tai Chi his foundation. And maybe Xue Sheng you may have seen him unknowingly while you lived in Boston.

He told me this in his poor English some time in the early 80's.

"Me started training at ten years old. For ONE year One year me stand in the horse stance every day one year you know how hard that was how difficult that was at 10 years old ONE YEAR". he said unto me.

You could see the agony on his face when he expressed himself thusly to me.

He IS an unknown Master.

Now folks he no doubt started out small but I bet after one year he could stand in the hoarse stance for hours. Rooted. Old scholl how many kung fu Masters endured such a thing few. Thus he began learning the art of The Supreme Ultimate Fist.



Thank you.

Dear Kembudo.

May I suggest you please don't read them > please forgive me for disturbing you ^.

Its hard to see ones way through all the rift raft and self assurers of this world.

Yes I am obsessed and a New I don't like that term truly speaking I am a:



Good luck.


Thank you for your astute observation.

We all suffer from something.

Perhaps you are immune.

I'll take a few aspirin and see my chi kung doctor in the morning.

In the mean time I suggest you both not come near here anymore for I fear the undo anxiety I may cause you both.

Please forgive me for using my free speech.

I do live in the USA by the way.


After about 25 miles of words, one still awaits one grain of substance.

Who is the prophet? What is the revelation?

Simple questions.
Truly we are in the presence of an Enlightened Being.

We are privilaged to read these words and this wisdom.

Master Fu sends his kind regards my good sir.

He was as usual imparting wisdom to my head in the usual manner.

That involved the use of a large shaft and my moaning the sacred mantra.


Say it with me now everyone.


I have been saying this for a while now.

It seems to help and unlike a GEIKO commercial actually did save me some money.

Master Fu shared alot of wisdom with me today.

He said that the Yin was like the Yang, but different in a dislike manner.

He said that if I did not empty my cup he would pour the tea directly onto my crotch again.

He does so enjoy the mantra as I sing it I suspect.

Master Fang Pi once told me Master Fu was blowing hot air but I didn't believe him as I was busy practicing the secret wǔdǎyī technique with the aid of Master Húli Jing.

Master Fang Pi also sends his kind regards.
Good on you Grydth,

Straight to the point. But of course you won't get a straight answer to a simple question. That is not how it works. The Golden Dragon will take the hump and flounce off leaving us all agog at his wisdom and desparate to know his inner secrets. Well her is one who has been studying Taijiquan for 19 years and quite frankly couldn't give a toss about the wonderful Yin-Yang Secrets Invention. (Now I'll go and balance my Yang with some gentle Yin.):shrug:

Very best wishes
Perhaps you all are right.

It won't be until after Sunday when I talk to my partner. I'll see what he says then if he says its ok I will consider posting images or giving out the Patent number. For you all to view.

I don't mind the mindless criticisms.

I deserve it for these way out there ideas with out offering any proof.




Thank you for your astute observation.

We all suffer from something.

Perhaps you are immune.

I'll take a few aspirin and see my chi kung doctor in the morning.

In the mean time I suggest you both not come near here anymore for I fear the undo anxiety I may cause you both.

Please forgive me for using my free speech.

I do live in the USA by the way.



I beg to differ, it was not an astute observation, it was a snarky recollection. My only immunity to qigong psychosis comes from my lack of ability to do enough qigong. I am in favor of you continuing.
Health Psychology Home Page Qigong by Kristen Mason

Qigong Induced Psychosis” characterized by the appearance of auditory hallucinations and delusions after the initiation of qigong in a practitioner who has never experienced these symptoms before and in whom these symptoms remit soon after the cessation of qigong practice”

Generally from high level qigong practice without a teacher or a highly trained teacher.
After reading this thread I do not see anything new in regards to Yin and Yang and the Tai chi symbol in regards to math. Now granted the one who posted may have presented a "mix theory" in regards to it and keep such a theory secret and provokes others at the extent of his claim of knowledge. Taoism, numbers, Yin and Yang, Pa kua, and such have been explained countless times through such efforts as the Yin and Yang school known in Japan as Onmyodo as well as other Taoist sects. The idea of magic numbers is nothing new and its connection in regards to Yin and Yang I can find nothing that was not already dealt with.
I will draw a magic box for an example:

4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6

As you can see each side adds up to 15
there are other magic number boxes.
in The I ching this reprents Qian(Hex:15)speaks on not being so arrogant. Which I feel fits this thread.
Of course you have not seen because I have not shown.

But one member on this forum has seen it and I am waiting for his thoughts.

There is more to that symbol than meets the eye my dears.

Dear Golden Dragon,
As far as I can imagine their is nothing new within the different Taoist sects that has not already been done with regards to Yin and Yang and Tai chi and math as I have shown with a small example of the magic square. However to be fair mixture of other religious notions with Taoist ideals may be a new concept in your view point of presenting such information. But within traditional Taoism I would be suprised that you found some cosmic revelation that every other sect has not.

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