The "wrong" Opinion could get you Committed

The term I believe you are looking for is Reeducation, the Vietnamese (Communist) government ran delightful little camps for it...
Yeah, this smacks of reeducation and New Speak.
Newspeak is closely based on English but has a greatly reduced and simplified vocabulary and grammar. This suits the totalitarian regime of the Party, whose aim is to make any alternative thinking ("thoughtcrime") or speech impossible by removing any words or possible constructs which describe the ideas of freedom, rebellion and so on.
Thoughtcrime? Describing freedom being wrong? Is it just me, or is this MORE like the DNC than the RNC?
Seems to perfectly describe the anti PC movement as well as it does the PC movement. Also covers the "support the president or you're emboldening the terrorists" sthick.
The left/right paradigm is just another method of control. The more you buy into it, the more you give up your freedom.

Exactly! It is only the left and right hand of the same body/head. The children only see the puppets, not the puppets' master. :p