The Wisdom, or lack thereof, of Microsoft Vista

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
There has been much discussion in my office about MS Vista and I have said if anyone wants Vista they need to fight me for it…and win….

We have for a while known that the Administrator Account, or at least the one you set up at install is limited. At first I suspected it was like Unix but after research I discoved it was not and it was very scary. Vista has an unlimited account that IS NOT password protected that installs without your knowledge.

I will admit, from a Computer Professional POV, scares the hell out of me and is just another reason why I still have a standing challenge in my department. "If you want Vista, you have to fight me for it". And after this, our Web Admin, with years of Judo behind him, has added they need to fight him… and win too.

Now I am sure just about every single Hacker on the planet already knows this but just for my own peace of mind I put it here were you at least need to be a member to see it. And Admins, I know this is a computer issue but I would prefer that it notr be moved there. I would rather have it deleted if you do not want it here.

Also, this is old news, on the enterprise version of Vista I HIGHLY recommend you do not install SP1. My wife’s new laptop was setup by someone she bought it from for her business and it had auto update setup and before I knew it it installed SP1 and now there are multiple problems; will not shutdown, need to boot twice to get into any account.

How to uninstall Windows Vista SP1 as a troubleshooting step

And thanks to the limited Admin account I set up I can’t fix it so I had to do the above.
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The most expensive, widely available, malware on the planet it would seem.
And the removal instructions from Microsoft do not work.

You have to go to safe mode and remove it in programs and features.

SP1 also stopped any updates be it MS Updates, Security system updates and even Nic updates and Bios updates.

Nice bit of software they have there.

You are correct Sukerkin it is the most expensive, widely available, malware on the planet
It will not be too long, and we will have no choice. If you buy a new box, it will have vista, no choice (or very, very little as the places still selling xp are few and far between).
dude, i hate the new commercial trying to convince people that "vista is not that bad" that dudes beard is atrocious.
I know what you mean. I tell you if Apple would just lower the cost of their boxes, they would absolutely destroy Microsoft.
I do think it's kind of funny that the new Apple commercials are panning Microsoft for advertising. Gee, Steve, how much did you spend on the endless "I'm a Mac" "And I'm a PC" commercials?

I know what you mean. I tell you if Apple would just lower the cost of their boxes, they would absolutely destroy Microsoft.
And the price of their peripherals. And offer some gaming support. And a real mouse. And drop the uber secrecy (it's an OS, not a nuke). And stop suing bloggers. And...
And now...intorducing....da dada daaaaaa.... Windows 7

Apparently now Microsoft is going to release something they call Windows 7

And what is it?

Pretty much Vista cleaned up.

Reminds me of the whole Millennium debacle

As to Mac, if all things were equal I would have oneÂ… but they are not equal

And still because of this whole Vista thing I am seriously considering my next laptop being a Mac

Hell my office paid big bucks for to train me to support them.
And the removal instructions from Microsoft do not work.

You have to go to safe mode and remove it in programs and features.

SP1 also stopped any updates be it MS Updates, Security system updates and even Nic updates and Bios updates.

Nice bit of software they have there.

You are correct Sukerkin it is the most expensive, widely available, malware on the planet

There are two ways to properly handle Vista:

1) Back up data, format, reload XP
2) back up data, format, install Linux

and yes, I might just be a little biased.
There are two ways to properly handle Vista:

1) Back up data, format, reload XP
2) back up data, format, install Linux

and yes, I might just be a little biased.

And I agree.

There is a standing challenge in my Department, since one of the things I am responsible for are all PC/Laptop images, if anyone wants Vista... they need to fight me for it... and win... and then we will think about it :D
And I agree.

There is a standing challenge in my Department, since one of the things I am responsible for are all PC/Laptop images, if anyone wants Vista... they need to fight me for it... and win... and then we will think about it :D

But if you agree to that, then you have to support that.
One of the more sneakily aggrivating things the Vista campaign has put forward has been the insistence by the execs that it has sold very well - that's because each new box/laptop comes with the darned thing by default and, over here at least, you then have to pay extra to get it removed and have XP installed instead.!
The No. 1 reason I don't ditch Windows machines/PCs: GAMING.

I don't own or play console games, only PC games.

Most of the cool games do not have an Apple version.

So when it comes to buying a desktop for my home, it has to be a Windows machine. Sigh.

The last PC I bought, I insisted they load XP. I also asked for the Vista disc in case it ever is "fixed." Heh. Like that'll happen... I pity the fools who load Vista on their PCs. I think someone needs to beat on Gates until he reconsiders his plan to stop supporting XP.

I am, however, bi-computer-lingual. I work on Apples at work and my laptop is an Apple. They are nice machines — fewer crashes, fewer headaches in general.

Apples DO work with mice that have two buttons and mouse wheels. They work on Apples. They need to STOP shipping those single button mice.

Too bad it is too expensive for gaming companies to code games for both platforms (double the coders). I think if this happened, you would see a huge shift in market share from Windows machines to Apples.
The No. 1 reason I don't ditch Windows machines/PCs: GAMING.

I don't own or play console games, only PC games.

Most of the cool games do not have an Apple version.

So when it comes to buying a desktop for my home, it has to be a Windows machine. Sigh.

The last PC I bought, I insisted they load XP. I also asked for the Vista disc in case it ever is "fixed." Heh. Like that'll happen... I pity the fools who load Vista on their PCs. I think someone needs to beat on Gates until he reconsiders his plan to stop supporting XP.

I am, however, bi-computer-lingual. I work on Apples at work and my laptop is an Apple. They are nice machines — fewer crashes, fewer headaches in general.

Apples DO work with mice that have two buttons and mouse wheels. They work on Apples. They need to STOP shipping those single button mice.

Too bad it is too expensive for gaming companies to code games for both platforms (double the coders). I think if this happened, you would see a huge shift in market share from Windows machines to Apples.

Most modern games are actually an online pay service in disguise or require a hardware upgrade. The older ones don't work good on winders anymore, Halflife and a feew other emulate under Linux seemlessly, unreal tournament among them.
But if you agree to that, then you have to support that.

Then I miss understood because I am not supporting it.

We get a Vista Box or laptop it becomes an XP box or laptop before any users touch it. And I would rather make them ann Linux if I had to make a choice between Vista and Linux

And since it was such an incredible success :rolleyes: in the enterprise world now MS is coming out with Windows 7... what's that tell you.

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