Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
You commie rat!!
LOL, why you rat b******, what are you some kind of friggin' comedian lol??? The blood in my veins runs red, white and blue, that's red, white and blue mind you!!! lol.
I served proudly in my country's military so that knuckleheads, treehuggers and hippies would have the right to make and say asinine statements such as what you're spewing, lol.
You say I'm a commie rat huh? lol Well I say "No sir!" I'm an
US of A, AMERICAN! As American as mom, baseball, apple pie, Chevrolet and kicking Saddam's despotic ***! lol.
As unbelievable and inconceivable as it sounds to you I have seen some minors who do truly deserve their jr-BB rank

And that's what it is, a JUNIOR black belt. Can we "think outside the box" for a moment to comtemplate the thought, lol
God Bless America...:asian:
