The User Formally Known As Samantha

arnisador said:
I just finished my first re-reading of The SIlmarillion yesterday. I found it rather boring, sad to say. I definitely dawdled about finishing it.

Ah the Book of Names. I read that, and have tried to reread it numerous times. Instead, I find it better to use as a reference material like a Dictionary, you look for what you want, you do not read the whole book each time.
Solidman82 said:
You couldn't get past the black riders and you're trying to change your name to strike fear into people's're not coming off as a very intimidating person here Sam.

You know, I think you're right...

What if I walk around with one of these?
Well, the sword might be, but the outfit isn't.
I mean, picture Orlando Bloom dressed like that?

Not very scary now is it? :D
Sam said:
You know, I think you're right...

What if I walk around with one of these?

Nice sword! (((is that actually YOU in that pic? If so....nice Douglas Adams book back there....have you read it?)))

Your Brother
Solidman82 said:
Yeah! the Douglas Adams book was the first thing I saw too! (nice save bro)

There's something wrong with you people. Did you say there was a sword in that pic? :idunno:
I have no idea who that is, and she looks a LOT older than 17. (But douglas adams rocks)
arnisador said:
I just finished my first re-reading of The SIlmarillion yesterday. I found it rather boring, sad to say. I definitely dawdled about finishing it.

The Silmarillion is DEFINITELY a different kind of reading. Tolkien actually began working on the stories that became the Silmarillion when he was a young soldier fighting in the trenches of WWI. This was WAY before the Hobbit or the Lord of the Rings was even a concept. He created the world of Middle Earth within the contex of these earlier stories, and later inserted the Hobbit and LR into this world. Actually he created Middle Earth as a place to populate with Elves who could speak the two different Elvish languages that he created, based on Finnish and Welsh.

Anyway, I liked the Silmarillion, but I definitely understand why many people can't get into it.

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