The US is a Banana Republic With No Bananas According to IMF Experts

They used to do that to blacks in the South in order to prevent them from voting. The segregated education system pretty much ensured that blacks wouldn't know the answer to those questions.
Yeah, and that was wrong, since it was aimed ONLY at the blacks. However, what I'd want, isn't to hold back any minority, but, rather the vast majority of absolute morons. Black people make up something like 13% of the US population, Morons, on the other hand, make up about 95%...
They used to do that to blacks in the South in order to prevent them from voting. The segregated education system pretty much ensured that blacks wouldn't know the answer to those questions.

Even when they did, the ensuing score would be mysteriously below the required cutoff, while ignorant crackers from the hills would have mysteriously high scores. What I always appreciated most about that system is how the South could systematically disadvantage blacks using the legal system while never using racial descriptors in the laws themselves. A masterwork of disingenuous deception.
But how do you define 'contribute'?

Either via way of agreeing to a fair rate of taxation on earnings for the betterment of all or by 'public works', which could be something as straightforward as providing a service that facilitates the productive work of others or benefits the 'environment' e.g. voluntary child care or street sweeping.

And are those that 'contribute' but use their 'contribution' to corrupt the system exempt from this denial of a 'voice' because they 'contribute'?

Hmm, less easy to answer that one. I could 'cheat' and bounce back a question as to what you mean by "corrupt" - for sometimes change is good. However, I do think I get what you mean by that and I suppose the only answer is that it depends if they actions to corrupt the existing system are within the bounds of the law or not. If they are, then 'silencing' them would itself be an act of unjustified oppression - even if they are evilly spirited but legally acting neo-Nazi's.

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