The ultimate organization for a martial art

Kong Soo Do

IKSDA Director
Supporting Member
I started a similar thread directly specifically towards TKD. However, I wanted to also take a more general look at this question from outside of TKD perspectives. I'd like to see if there are different considerations or similar threads of concern. TKD seems to have more than it's fair share of...shall we say 'concerns' in regards to how some organizations conduct business. With that in mind, what would make for a really good...ultimate organization that was BY martial artists FOR martial artists? This doesn't have to be a general org accepting all arts, but what would be an ultimate org for your art...if any?

Thank you. :)
Should we conduct ourselves with integrity and some sense dignity, then we would not need organizations; Nevertheless, the need to commune or the fear of being alone is a difficult one to face for some people. We will always look for the gathering oflike minded. This is one psychological point to consider.

If there is one flaw on this earth, that would be the human mind. we seem to love to create but with a propensity for destruction. An organization ensures the longevity of certain believes and values. This is where many organizations have failed to keep "control" of. It seems that when certain individual have noone looking over their shoulder and hold them accountable, they would do whatever they feel to do. Case in point is the old practice of self promotions; like the epidemic of self promoting Shihans around the world. Self tittling with only 10 or 15 years in the martial arts and little contribution of anything other than self glorification. I was content with my achievements and research with 40 years under my martial arts belt; but then a great disillusionment has taken over; it doesn't seem to mean much. This is another point to consider. What do you 'non-intellectual' but intelligent people think?
I belong to an organization that is new, small, and not the best available. First, being ranked in the organization is optional. And if you do decide to declare rank, you can declare no higher than 5th degree. No "grand masters" or "great-grandmasters" or other honorary or contrived titles.

Second, there are no fees to charge or collect.

Third, with the temptation and distractions of high rank out of the way, what's left is to update, standardize and promote the arts (in this case, the Hawaiian-based arts) where they are under-represented. The purpose is to focus more energy toward improving the arts and bringing recognition to the arts, rather than focusing energy toward recognition of one's self.

Again, we won't be the "best". But with the distractions of money and rank out of the way, it's got potential.
First, one that promotes the art, not the artists (including GMs and governing members). It should set and maintain standards, primarily those that have been handed down from early times of the art, but retain some flexibility for improvement ("improvements" should be well thought out, well tested and accepted before incorporation). Again, some flexibility for GMs to set curriculum (emphasis) for their own school, within an umbrella of art-wide standards. No speed promotions/jumping ranks. No such thing as a one for all. That leads to attempts to amalgamate all arts into one, completely controlled by the governing body. That raises the potential loss of valuable knowledge.

Just some quick thoughts. I don't know if that is what you were looking for.

So far, there are only a few schools--all within the geographical region. We share and collaborate on techniques and marketing ideas while trying to keep operations as decentralized as possible. Example, if my school has a guy who's fighting in an upcoming MMA fight, I market that fight as "My Martial Art School" in association with "Our Organization", etc. Basically, each school that markets--we're marketing anyway, right?--will pitch the organization at the same time, keeping a lid on the marketing and ad budget.
The ultimate organization? A good teacher and a good student, anything else is simply a magnifcation of that ideal.
Speaking as a CMA guy...why do we need or want organizations at all?
QFT. Took the words right outta my mouth.
Unless you`re competing in it as a sport with a governing bodyto determine rules for the sport, why organize? The organizations and associated politics are all that`s worst about MA.

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