The Tunnel Of Death

mook jong man

Senior Master
If any of you Wing Chun / Wing Tsun clans haven't tried this before you might want to give it a go.
Its a little game in our school that we called Tunnel Of Death , it develops awareness , reflex , and peripheral vison mostly.

Its best done with a class full of people , the more the better .
Get the students to form two equal lines facing each other , so they are roughly two metres apart.

The idea is for the student to walk down through the middle of the tunnel and defend himself against any attacks as he makes his way past people through to the end of the tunnel.

As the instructor you might want to set the parameters first , if you have a class with beginners you might want to limit them to only being attacked with grabs or punches.

If the class is more advanced you could have them being attacked with punches , arm grabs , throat grabs , kicks , bear hugs , tackles , two onto one etc.

For added fun you could have certain people in the line up , attack with a training knife they have hidden at the back of their pants.
Make sure as the instructor you keep a tight rein on the proceedings , as the potential for injury is high.
Some people can get a bit excited and lose a bit of control.

As the instructor you set the example and go down through the tunnel first , move slowly down through the tunnel in your stance and with your guard up .

For advanced students you can have them to go down through the tunnel with no guard up , let them defend from their hands down by their sides .

Don't use any long protracted techniques , remember you might be about to get attacked from the other side as well.
Some minor points to remember.
  1. Don't let people run through in and effort to avoid the attacks , they must go through slowly in their stance.
  2. Not everyone that the student goes past has to attack all the time , this makes it more unpredictable.
  3. Coach the student on staying aware as he goes through the tunnel , like not turning his back to fight one person , try to execute techniques from the side and keep everyone in sight.
  4. Make sure all techniques are direct , and short , no more than three punches or a couple of kicks .
  5. Student must beware against standing grappling , while you are grappling you are being punched out from the side . Quick release arm grabs and throat grabs , counter bear hug techniques are a must.
  6. When the student makes it through to the end he goes on the end of the line and becomes an attacker .
  7. The people at the very front of the line become defenders as they come down the tunnel from each line alternatively.
If any of you Wing Chun / Wing Tsun clans haven't tried this before you might want to give it a go.
Its a little game in our school that we called Tunnel Of Death , it develops awareness , reflex , and peripheral vison mostly.

Its best done with a class full of people , the more the better .
Get the students to form two equal lines facing each other , so they are roughly two metres apart.

The idea is for the student to walk down through the middle of the tunnel and defend himself against any attacks as he makes his way past people through to the end of the tunnel.

As the instructor you might want to set the parameters first , if you have a class with beginners you might want to limit them to only being attacked with grabs or punches.

If the class is more advanced you could have them being attacked with punches , arm grabs , throat grabs , kicks , bear hugs , tackles , two onto one etc.

For added fun you could have certain people in the line up , attack with a training knife they have hidden at the back of their pants.
Make sure as the instructor you keep a tight rein on the proceedings , as the potential for injury is high.
Some people can get a bit excited and lose a bit of control.

As the instructor you set the example and go down through the tunnel first , move slowly down through the tunnel in your stance and with your guard up .

For advanced students you can have them to go down through the tunnel with no guard up , let them defend from their hands down by their sides .

Don't use any long protracted techniques , remember you might be about to get attacked from the other side as well.

Some minor points to remember.
  1. Don't let people run through in and effort to avoid the attacks , they must go through slowly in their stance.
  2. Not everyone that the student goes past has to attack all the time , this makes it more unpredictable.
  3. Coach the student on staying aware as he goes through the tunnel , like not turning his back to fight one person , try to execute techniques from the side and keep everyone in sight.
  4. Make sure all techniques are direct , and short , no more than three punches or a couple of kicks .
  5. Student must beware against standing grappling , while you are grappling you are being punched out from the side . Quick release arm grabs and throat grabs , counter bear hug techniques are a must.
  6. When the student makes it through to the end he goes on the end of the line and becomes an attacker .
  7. The people at the very front of the line become defenders as they come down the tunnel from each line alternatively.
Excellent drill. This is a very good way to see things just before, or as they unfold.
How about '108 techniques to leaving the Shaolin Temple'? We don't really have a name for it.

I'm sure eveyone has heard the legend that for the monks to leave the Shaolin Temple, they had to walk down a long, underground hallway with booby traps of all sorts. They had to survive every one of them and at the end of the hallway was a hot urn that they had to move to open the doorway blocked by a large rock. The only way was to lift the urn using their forarms, leaving the burned images of a dragon on one and a tiger on the other.

The Tunnel of Death kinda reminds me of that.
I good way to modify that drill is give the studentss the choice between attacking and shaking hands. All else remains the same in my school.

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