The Teacher of Sparring by Edwin F. Shaw


I'm pleased to announce that I've republished "Teacher of Sparring" by Edwin F. Shaw, 1886.

The pdf download is, as always, free:

Little is known of Edwin Shaw, save what he writes of himself. That he was an "experienced" boxing instructor, studied under Professor J. B. Bailey, and taught professional at Hotel Berkeley, Evans House, and "elsewhere in Boston" as well as at Harvard College.

His book is somewhat transitional between London Prize Ring rules and amateur boxing rules, focusing on Boxing as a legitimate gentleman’s fitness sport. Interestingly, Shaw also decries professional "Prize Fighting" as ungentlemanly and condemns as, "low, savage, barbarous, and disgusting" engaged in by the "bully" and best being thoroughly discredited.

Shaw’s manual contains a wealth of unusual information, documented in clear "cuts" illustrations, supposedly from photographs at great expense, and succinct instruction. This includes grapples, throws, and even the seldom heard of, and less often instructed "chopper."

Altogether, this manual represents a rare and important documentation of pugilistic evolution, sure to please.

Peace favor your sword,
There are lots of old books in ebook format. I picked up a Joe Frazier ebook last week, it not bad. I love boxing, I trained with a guy who's family ran fair ground boxing booths back in the day...they know all the tricks and are very tough guys!

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