Whatever. If they directly contradict one another, they can't all be right.
In regards to YMVT, it's just nonsensical that he'd teach one person to train this way to develop this thing, then teach another to train this same way to avoid developing that same thing. One of them will not work.
No, what you are saying is nonsense!

...In truth, it is highly probable, to the point of being almost a certainty that Yip Man taught and practiced VT
differently at different stages of his life. Granted the span of his life and the circumstances he lived through,
to think otherwise is illogical.
So, even Yip Man's closest students differed in what they received and took away from their time with him. That's just natural variation. Offspring are not clones of their parents! If some of these "offspring" or students, and in turn
their students, branched out even further, that again is in accordance with nature ...it is the
only logical possibility. And that eventually some of these student's teachings would contradict each other, is inevitable.
That leave's you and KPM debating as to who is
right. Well, we know that a mouse, a man, and a sperm whale are all mammals evolving from a common ancestor.
Which of them is correct? Which is right? Which would win in a fight? ...The question is meaningless. A whale can't live in a mouse-hole, a mouse can't program a computer, and a man can't swim naked thousands of feet below the ocean and eat a giant squid!
Now regarding WC/VT, your premise that Yip Man taught one consistent version of the art for his entire life is unsupportable, so your process of deduction becomes meaningless as does your conclusion that WSL-VT is the true and correct version of Yip Man VT.
All that is left, and frankly all that matters anyway, is your claim that WSL-VT is the
most effective version we have today. I am open to that possibility, but as KPM and others have pointed out, there needs to be persuasive evidence or proof. Not theoretical discussions about how it works as an integrated and complete system, but
actual proof in repeated tests against qualified opponents, documented by videos and witnesses. Like boxing, and MMA. And sorry to say, you haven't provided the goods. So I remain agnostic and unconvinced.