The Shotokan's Secret book


Brown Belt
Feb 18, 2005
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I was curious whether anyone has found Bruce D Clayton's "Shotokan's Secrets" book to be a good read.
I found it interesting and if nothing else "sparks" some thought and ideas to play around with for application.

BUT, I do not believe his premise that those katas were all designed as bodyguard techniques. There is too much information that karate was/is designed as a civilian self-defense art and NOT for other purposes (law enforcement, battefield, ring sport, etc.)

He also uses Shotokan katas as the template instead of going back further to the Shorin-Ryu katas that they would have come from.
I found it interesting and if nothing else "sparks" some thought and ideas to play around with for application.

BUT, I do not believe his premise that those katas were all designed as bodyguard techniques. There is too much information that karate was/is designed as a civilian self-defense art and NOT for other purposes (law enforcement, battefield, ring sport, etc.)

He also uses Shotokan katas as the template instead of going back further to the Shorin-Ryu katas that they would have come from.
Yes, thank you, I have not read it yet but your ideas seem on target.
Secret's of Shotokan by Bruce Clayton is a book I have just started reading. It was recommended on the forum by a few people so I thought, why not give it a read. Shotokan is not a style of karate which I have trained in previously, but since beginning this book I am inspired to head along to the local dojo and start anew - training is training, martial arts are great fun, and experience is the greatest teacher. So far I am really enjoying Bruce Clayton's book and have been inspired to investigate a different system. If you love your martial arts, and are interested in reading different perspectives on the historical origins etc, then give it a go 👍
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