Jenna! Would you mind not undermining me as the Voice of England please

Only kidding. Seriously, I think if you delved a little deeper into what is actually going on and how things are run you'd be in for a surprise.
The complex checks and balances that are in place in the political infrastructure work remarkably well, especially considering that an awful lot is enshrined in tradition rather than codified in law.
Hardly anything is less efficient than a Democracy; writ large it's an awful way to run a country (just ask the Poles of pre-Soviet times).
A Republic is better but still not fabulous as it devolves into the media-driven, lowest common-denominator, clown-play that we see over the Pond. Two sides slug it out to do the bidding of those that fund their party.
A Dictatorship/Totalitarian Regime is fabulously efficient - one vision pursued to completion. Brilliant ... apart from the rather nasty crushing of all opposition thing ... that's not so good

A Parliamentary Democracy is probably the best compromise we've come up with yet. It's sort of like a Republic but there's a (legitimate) Dictator sitting off to one side, not doing anything much to intefere with the political process but ready to come in and take everyones toys away and send them to bed if their mental age drops too far.
What tends to be forgotten in this modern age is that the Crown is the Crown because their underpinning line (the real one, not the adopted one) took the whole country by force of arms and kept it under their direct rule for pretty much eight centuries.
We might call them "Chinless Wonders" these days because of the inbreeding to keep that power centralised but make no mistake, that power is still there. It is still backed by the force of arms and ratified by lineage. They elect to allow others to rule in their stead but this is still, in effect, the land of the Tudors.
For myself, I will be happier the longer it stays that way. By all means let the politicians play their pseudo-power games, just lets keep that 'safety net' there for when they really make a mess of things.