You know, the wealthy don't stick money in their mattresses anymore, or as Mark Steyn points out, keep it in a warehouse like scrooge Macduck and bulldozer it from one side of the warehouse to the other. They invest their money to make more money. Don't forget as well that most penisons, private as well as public, have their money invested in the businesses of these wealthy order to make money for the pensioner. The least productive use of money is to allow the government to have it. That is where money goes to die.
Speaking of Romney and Ryan, Ryan released his tax returns and it turns out he paid around 64,000 dollars in taxes. Romney paid 3 million dollars in taxes. Now, effectively, Ryan paid a higher percentage of his income in taxes, Romney a little less. Now tell me, why is it such a big deal when Romney still paid 3 million dollars in taxes and Ryan only paid 64,000 dollars in taxes? Keep in mind as well, Romney then went on to pay another 3 million dollars to charity and has done quite a bit of giving to people in need.
Now, I'll agree with you, I don't think it is right that they pay a different percent in taxes. They should both pay the same, however, instead of raising taxes on Romney, who is already paying 3 million dollars in taxes, you should lower the rate on Ryan. That is the right answer to this problem.