The real Mitt Romney, more people should know about him...

It's what's become customary, though, a public financial disclosure, and-while I can understand his reluctance-Mr. Romney does himself a greater disservice witholding the tax returns than almost any information they reveal could, IMNSHO.....

The best part is that the custom was more or less inititated by HIS DAD. :lfao:
So is it the issue that people think Romney should have less or that we should have more?
The issue is neither of those. The issue is that Romney, being filthy rich, will continue to perpetuate the policies which benefit the filthy rich to the detriment of the country in general. Why would anyone think that Romney could possibly change the policies which have resulted in the present poor economy, the poor economy that is raking in so much money for the wealthy at the expense of the rest of us. Many things need to be fixed in this country. However, with all of the present rules benefiting those with Mr. Romney's wealth, he has absolutely no motivation to fix anything, and more than plenty of motivation to continue the status quo.

That's the problem that many people have with Mr. Romney being so rich. It is my opinion that the Republican party pushed the candidates they did because they have already conceded this election to Obama, and are carefully maneuvering to be able to roll through the next election. Both the level of candidates presented as well as the Republican party's obstructionist actions in Congress point to this strategy, in my opinion.
If some of the reports coming out now are true, Romney holding the mortgage on this house, and some others, as a part of a scheme to avoid taxes. I have no idea if this is true or not, but if so, just makes romney look even worse on the tax front.

That exactly why something that you have no idea is true or not bears repeating!


Found a cute picture too.

Just one thing to add to the conversation. If Romney avoids paying taxes through legal means, it's not a "scheme" in a pejorative sense. It's smart. It's what I would do, and almost assuredly what you guys would do, too.

The underlying issue, however, that our tax system is hopelessly complicated AND benefits the rich is absolutely true. There are significant tax advantages that are only viable for people who have means. I've said before that the real genius of the GOP over the last 30 years is that they have successfully convinced a large segment of the middle/lower middle class that the rich people are helpless victims. They are not. If our current tax system truly disadvantaged the rich, we would not have it. If a flat tax would benefit the top 20%, we would have it.
Where was all this hoopla over wealth when Kerry was running? Yes, I've heard the tripe, that that is "His wife's money" so, he has no control, so they never see eye to eye on what to spend it on? hahaha right
Where was all this hoopla over wealth when Kerry was running?
The economy was in much better shape in 2004, so personal wealth was not as much of an issue. Today, with the advent of the occupy movement and the greater stratification of wealth in the US, personal wealth is a much greater issue.
Well, now that you mention it, what IS Romney's military experience?

Where was all this hoopla over wealth when Kerry was running? Yes, I've heard the tripe, that that is "His wife's money" so, he has no control, so they never see eye to eye on what to spend it on? hahaha right
Where was all this hoopla over wealth when Kerry was running? Yes, I've heard the tripe, that that is "His wife's money" so, he has no control, so they never see eye to eye on what to spend it on? hahaha right
LOL... it was coming from the GOP, just as one would expect in an election year. In fact, in an awesome bit of political irony, Romney himself couldn't help joining the fray:

“There’s a senator from my state, you may have heard, that wants to get elected president. And I don’t know why he wants to do that because, of course, if he won, he’d have to move into a smaller house.”

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LOL... it was coming from the GOP, just as one would expect in an election year. In fact, in an awesome bit of political irony, Romney himself couldn't help joining the fray:

LOL, that's a politician: what do I care about the BS I said yesterday!
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And here is some support for Romney's economic plan...

[h=2]Over 400 independent economists signed a statement at the website Economists for Romney in support of what they call the Republican presidential candidate's "bold economic plan for America." [/h]Five Nobel laureates (Gary Becker, Robert Lucas, Robert Mundell, Edward Prescott, and Myron Scholes) signed the statement which, in part, reads, “We enthusiastically endorse Governor Mitt Romney’s economic plan to create jobs and restore economic growth while returning America to its tradition of economic freedom.”
The economists also denounced Obama's economic ideas, claiming they led to an "an anemic economic recovery and high unemployment." They further assert, "his future plans are to double down on the failed policies, which will only prolong slow growth and high unemployment."
You know, say what you want about Romney taking advantage of tax shelters and other legal means for reducing/eliminating the taxes he pays... I still stand by the Internet Meme going around facebook that says

"I'm supposed to be more concerned about what Romney does with HIS money than I am with what Obama does with MINE?"

Of course that said, the man still ain't getting my vote.
You know, say what you want about Romney taking advantage of tax shelters and other legal means for reducing/eliminating the taxes he pays... I still stand by the Internet Meme going around facebook that says

"I'm supposed to be more concerned about what Romney does with HIS money than I am with what Obama does with MINE?"

Of course that said, the man still ain't getting my vote.

well, the way Romney manages his money he makes sure it remains his...
The way he and his cronies vote he makes sure ours does not stay hours....
well, the way Romney manages his money he makes sure it remains his...
The way he and his cronies vote he makes sure ours does not stay hours....

Like... um... Obama is doing NOW?

I won't vote for either of these clowns... but really... If I was an Unedumacated type voter who had no idea of Romney's past history in MA, I would be far more concerned about the Rape of my wallet under the current adminsitration, than the use of Legal Tax Dodges by the upcoming one, which seems to be one of the 2 issues all the Obama Campaign attack ads are focused on.
Like... um... Obama is doing NOW?

I won't vote for either of these clowns... but really... If I was an Unedumacated type voter who had no idea of Romney's past history in MA, I would be far more concerned about the Rape of my wallet under the current adminsitration, than the use of Legal Tax Dodges by the upcoming one, which seems to be one of the 2 issues all the Obama Campaign attack ads are focused on.

well, I suppose we have gotten used to it, since we are so bain washed about how the rich need tax breaks, right.
I think that perhaps what needs to be remembered is the matter of relative scale in such issues and also the question of whether you want a functioning society with 'liberty and justice for all' or not.

America, even worse than us over here in Britain, is ruled by it's moneyed class for the benefit of that class.

It is a circumstance that cannot endure forever because of the way that the inverted wealth funnel functions to hoover out the pockets of the lower orders to fill the vaults of the already wealthy. All the arguments about how it is 'their money' are, to coin a dual pun, worthless because, the longer it continues, the creakier and slower the economic engine turns.

The evasion/avoidance of the taxes required to keep the infrastructure of the economy as a whole healthy as a wealth creation environment is one of the reasons for the current paralysis of the pseudo-capitalist system. Imagine it as an oil leak in the engine of a car - it will run fine for quite a while until the losses get to the stage that the pistons seize in their barrels - that is what happens when the money spirals up the 'pyramid' of relative wealth and stays there.
I kinda visualize it like a monstrous tree, sucking funds up to an expanding canopy. 'Trickle-down' economy my butt - the working class is withering under a profit shadow.

that is what happens when the money spirals up the 'pyramid' of relative wealth and stays there.
You know, the wealthy don't stick money in their mattresses anymore, or as Mark Steyn points out, keep it in a warehouse like scrooge Macduck and bulldozer it from one side of the warehouse to the other. They invest their money to make more money. Don't forget as well that most penisons, private as well as public, have their money invested in the businesses of these wealthy order to make money for the pensioner. The least productive use of money is to allow the government to have it. That is where money goes to die.

Speaking of Romney and Ryan, Ryan released his tax returns and it turns out he paid around 64,000 dollars in taxes. Romney paid 3 million dollars in taxes. Now, effectively, Ryan paid a higher percentage of his income in taxes, Romney a little less. Now tell me, why is it such a big deal when Romney still paid 3 million dollars in taxes and Ryan only paid 64,000 dollars in taxes? Keep in mind as well, Romney then went on to pay another 3 million dollars to charity and has done quite a bit of giving to people in need.

Now, I'll agree with you, I don't think it is right that they pay a different percent in taxes. They should both pay the same, however, instead of raising taxes on Romney, who is already paying 3 million dollars in taxes, you should lower the rate on Ryan. That is the right answer to this problem.

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