The real inequality in society...producers vs. the government class...


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Here is a video that explores the real class system in the United States, the producer class vs. the government class, where the real battle lines need to be drawn to fix our problems...

The embedded video is interesting and here is a little from the actual article...

The protesters are right about one thing: there are gross class inequities in America.
There is one class that works more hours per day, more days per year, for more years of their lives. They have less job security, they pay more for health coverage, and their retirements are not guaranteed. Their incomes are determined by their performance, limited by economic reality, and tied to the fortunes of their employers. This is the private-sector producer class.
Part of what private-sector workers produce is taken for the benefit of another class, the government class.
The government class plays by a different set of rules, dictated by unions and implemented by the politicians they help elect. For government union members, income is not determined by job performance, but by how many years they’ve managed to stick around. They’ll work fewer hours, get more vacation time, and make more money than their producer class colleagues.
They’ll get better health coverage, and it’ll cost them less. The government class will retire at an earlier age and with a pension providing a guaranteed income, something fewer than 1 in 10 producer-class workers enjoy.
In Wisconsin, the government class makes up 14% of the population, exploiting the other 86%, the producer class.
The average Wisconsin state employee makes about $70,000 annually in salary and benefits, while the private-sector workers whose taxes pay for it earn about $15,000-a-year less. Talk about income disparity!
The government class is powerful because government employees are members of unions that contribute heavily to political campaigns. And in Wisconsin, no single group funnels more money into politics than teachers unions.

What about the "sit on my butt, have more kids than I can count, get free housing, and pay me at the beginning of each month" class?
You can't decry big government out of the left side of your mouth and support it with the right, Bill. I think you might be surprised at who is actually part of the parasite/government class. TSA, FBI, CIA, MIC...
You can't decry big government out of the left side of your mouth and support it with the right, Bill. I think you might be surprised at who is actually part of the parasite/government class. TSA, FBI, CIA, MIC...

MIC?! I KNEW IT! Damn those Bikers!
Both the FBI and CIA serve important roles in safeguarding American lives and interests. The EPA, the DOE, and the DHS cannot demonstrate the same thing...
Will no one ever understand the paralell in indentifying others those ugly dirty imoral lazy baby making sucking up all the assets as the begining of Fascist propaganda? Hitler, countless other despots as well as religous orgs inorder to whip up a frenzy of support for thier power grab to get what they want.

The answer is in we need to produce more products but will not until people are willing to spend, corporations and the rich are holding vast wealth creating the recession we need to bring back industry here only government can nuture even legislate that the same way it allowed it to leave and rape the country.

The first depression was contrived and the wealthy got vastly more wealthy, Our recent recession housing debacle caused a loss ot trillions of dollars the largest shift in assests in human history yet the right continues the montra of wealth distribution yada ydad what a crock and the property did not vanish it has been taken by the banks we bailed out and sold for 10 cents on the dollar to who people with wealth and turned into a Potters Field renting until the values will just go right back up and they will sell for a vast profit. There is little work for anyone who wants it and it really gripes me when they keep saying hey few people are applying for unemployment and the jobless rate is going down?? Yeh thier benifits ran out or they went to work for Mcdonalds or thier a greeter for Wallmart? Surely never a better time for kids to get real get the best education you can but be smart make it in a field that will have a job for you when you graduate.

All of you who constantly wish to blame your troubles on those you consider less worthy than you are just adding to your own bad Karma and not helping solve the problem. I hope enough worthless baby making people will rise up and fire all the incumbants and put some people in willing to help the country not just feather thier own nest.

Finally according the governments own records Obama has cut more spending and grown the government slower than any past three presidents even if he walked on water and could put everyone to work the right would still stop it because they hate him for beign black! no matter what it just comes down to that
To be fair the far left is pretty discusting also condeming anyone who is not willing to cross dress committ deviant acts use foul language condem all churches or be willing to deficate on somebodies head? %-} Some even advocating the nationalization of all corporations and such? Our country seems to be at the mercy of extreme minority groups on both sides and a corupt politic. Instead of going on about Romny's religion or Obama's birth certificate both non issues acept to bigots on both sides we need to solve our economic and infrastructure issues and the goverment needs to spend vast amounts of more money which will cause the private sector to increas spending the tax everything fairly with out loop holes to revenue levels of the Reagon Clinton era. We need to modernize our military in more effiecent ways

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