Sr. Grandmaster
Many employers in the farming and construction business are complaining about the impact the new Alabama immigration law is having on their business.
Not all are here illegally who feel the impact.....
That can't be good....idle hands are the devil's workshop after all....
In the current climate, everybody with a Hispanic sounding last name is suspicious....
This should be interesting....
Rick Pate, the owner of a commercial landscaping company in Montgomery, lost two of his most experienced workers, who were in the country legally. He spent thousands of dollars training them to install irrigation systems at places like the Hyundai plant.
"They just feel like there is a negative atmosphere for them here. They don't feel welcome. I don't begrudge them. I'd feel nervous, too," Pate said.
Not all are here illegally who feel the impact.....
Likewise, schools are worried about their students who have suddenly stopped showing up for class. Out of 34,000 Hispanic students, 2,285 were absent Monday. That number increased from Friday by a few hundred. The figures show seven out of every 100 Hispanic children were out of school, even though state school officials have tried to assure parents that they won't release their names to police and that no child will be denied an education due to legal status.
At Gonzalez' mobile home community, driveways were full of cars and trucks at midday Tuesday, a time when most residents used to be at work. A resident who didn't want to be identified out of fear of the law said people are afraid to venture out during daylight.
That can't be good....idle hands are the devil's workshop after all....
The law allows police to detain people indefinitely if they are suspected of being in the country illegally and requires schools to check the status of new students when they enroll. Those elements make it perhaps the toughest law in nation.
In the current climate, everybody with a Hispanic sounding last name is suspicious....
This should be interesting....