The Perfect weapon

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Originally posted by satans.barber

Pinapplehead, note that if you buy one of these American copies it'll be NTSC, not PAL, and probably won't play right on your TV and VCR. Having said that, none of the English shops seem to have it :(

It'll be on telly at some point though.


I didn't know that :o

Do any of you know if any of Jeff Speakman's movies will be, or are already, out on DVD? I think it would be real cool to have TPW on DVD with both versions; the original release and the made-for-tv release (with M. Hargitay as his love interest.)

Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Originally posted by Hollywood1340

It has been changed. Thank you for putting into perspective for me. To those I may have offended, I'm very sorry. Won't happen again. Now for a new opening! Sugs?

Hello fellow martial artsts
" " friends
" " brothers of the arts
The Perfect Weapon is a great movie if you really want to see what Kenpo is about. SGM Ed Parker acted as a consultant on the film. I have had the opportunity to train with Mr. Speakman several times and learned some great lessons from him. We just got done a seminar in Salisbury, MD (man did he rock real time Shielding Hammer on me. Twice!) (Thanks to my instructor)
I think just for collectors sake any Kenpoist should add that film into their collection ( not for training ) but for refrence.


As far as DVD release Mr. Speakman told me that his producers are in discussion on DVD realease. Hopefully soon!
I just bought my copy of The Perfect Weapon a couple of weeks ago. They have it new and cheap for $US10.00when I bought it. It looks like they went up a bit to $13.00.

It was the best price I found, I had no trouble with the company, but I loaned it out to a friend of mine and I have not seen it yet.

But he liked it, so I guess it is in good shape.
Originally posted by cdhall

I just bought my copy of The Perfect Weapon a couple of weeks ago. They have it new and cheap for $US10.00when I bought it. It looks like they went up a bit to $13.00.

It was the best price I found, I had no trouble with the company, but I loaned it out to a friend of mine and I have not seen it yet.

But he liked it, so I guess it is in good shape.

Thanks for the link!!! It's now bookmarked. I didn't even know
it was available new!
Originally posted by Kirk

Thanks for the link!!! It's now bookmarked. I didn't even know
it was available new!

Dude, I just typed a reply to this and it is not here.
Not cool.
What happened?
I thought that had happened to me before but I was not sure. Can you look to see if a post got lost? :confused:

Maybe you guys are editing me?
I just saw "The Perfect Weapon" yesterday. I wouldn't call it a great movie, but it was okay. I thought it was fairly formulaic and somewhat boring, not to mention so dark most of the time that I couldn't see half of what was going on, but on the plus side I did recognized a self-defense technique, and a couple of the fight scenes were good. Of course, the biggest plus is that they actually talk a little bit about Kenpo.

What makes the movie great is not the movie itself but what it did for the kenpo community bringing it to the forefront of the world. Much as Bruce Lee did in the 70's. It is also a lasting tribute to Mr. Parker and what he left us all.
Originally posted by SingingTiger

...but on the plus side I did recognized a self-defense technique...

I'll have to watch this again and make a list, but I think Grip of Death, Thundering Hammers, maybe Raining Claw, Five Swords (so I'm told...) were all in there.

And as to the plot, I know I've brought this up before somewhere, but if you can, watch The Perfect Weapon and then Black Rain with Michael Douglas. I swear it is the same script! Or was anyway. This used to be a common practice in the 20's. It hit me right away when I saw Black Rain.