The passing of Fung Leung


Senior Master
My other thread got moved. I didn't ask for it to be moved and didn't want it moved. Admin felt the need to move it to the "memorial thread" in the "General Talk" forum. I didn't even know there was a "memorial thread." Did you? I put it here so that Wing Chun people would be sure to see the videos of Fung Leung and now a bit about who he was. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't go looking for such things in a general memorial thread in a general talk forum. Anyway, here is where the thread ended up if you missed it:

The passing of another Wing Chun Master

Thanks for the link. I wouldn't have known where to find the thread, and those videoclips were worthwhile. I understand why some things belong in the "memorial" forum, tributes to dead masters etc., however, I saw your posts more along the line of newsworthy announcement since Fung Leung died recently and unexpectedly -- not being that old.