Gordon Nore
Senior Master
This item dovetails with Bill's thread, US Army Officer Allowed to Wear Sikh Turban and Beard. I find this proposed legislation in Quebec curious and a bit disturbing. Essentially, Muslim women who wear niqab would not be permitted receive or dispense public services. One outcome of this legislation, if passed, is that a university student would be in violation for wear her niqab to school.
The legislation would continue to allow other religious symbols to be worn, just not the full head covering. Seems two-faced to me. On the one hand, the government is preaching secularism, yet it will tolerate some symbols but not others. Should taxpayers and legal residents of Quebec be denied access to services based on the wearing of a particular garment?
Quebec City — From Thursday's Globe and Mail Published on Thursday, Mar. 25, 2010 4:25AM EDT Last updated on Thursday, Mar. 25, 2010 7:32AM EDT
Quebec has tabled unprecedented legislation requiring Muslim women to show their faces in all government locations, including schools, hospitals and daycares.
The controversial move by the Charest government - which has said it is committed to secularism and gender equality - marks the first time it has chosen to craft laws to accommodate minorities.
The legislation means the niqab, a full veil covering worn by some Muslim women, will essentially be barred from all government bodies, whether the woman is working for the government or receiving services.
The legislation would continue to allow other religious symbols to be worn, just not the full head covering. Seems two-faced to me. On the one hand, the government is preaching secularism, yet it will tolerate some symbols but not others. Should taxpayers and legal residents of Quebec be denied access to services based on the wearing of a particular garment?
No veil or no service from public institutions, new bill urges Quebeckers
Globe and Mail - David Boily - ‎4 hours ago‎
Quebec City - From Thursday's Globe and Mail Published on Thursday, Mar. 25, 2010 4:25AM EDT Last updated on Thursday, Mar. 25, 2010 7:32AM EDT Quebec has tabled unprecedented legislation requiring Muslim women to show their faces in all government ...
Quebec lifts the face veil Montreal Gazette
Quebec niqab bill makes women unveil Toronto Star