The new contracts?


Master of Arts
I remember the days when you wanted to practice martial arts and you payed your monthly fee. I also remember contracts as well.

But lately I have been seeing what is not a contract but schools asking for advance payments sometimes up to 3 months.

Do you ask for advance monthly payments to new students or do you use contracts or monthly fees?
No. On rare occaisions a student may WANT to pay in advance and we will do that and give them a discount for the advance committment, but we don't ever ask for several months advance payment. Even under contracts, they only pay a portion each Month.
In Connecticut, (and probably most states) there are also legal stipulations to having a contract AND asking for too much money up front.
I was lucky if students remembered to pay at all.

I think I only had two students who ever paid me a few months in advance and they did so because they wanted to not because I asked for it
I have a mix of monthly plans and prepaids. It works well. Some people want to pay up front, some people want the monthly plan. The versatility allows people to make a better decision based on their finances.
I am all for advance payments as an option and giving discount for paying in advance. Usually we are not force to pay for things 3 months in advance and if we are we look at it suspciously, should we do the same in martial arts or am I just being paranoid?:eye-popping:
I think it's a good idea to give people the option to pay in advance if they want to, if they ask for the option of their own accord. I don't think it's right to "force" them, too, though. You're right ... I'd be pretty suspicious if I was "forced" to pay in advance. I'd be wondering where they're planning to go with my money.
Where i used to train, the policy was to ask for a 3 month payment (less expensive than paying one month at a time) for new subscriptions. The idea was to have the new student to commit to staying at least 3 months, a period long enough to show him basics and to notice physical and health improvements, all in all to get them interested.
After that you would pay monthly or in advance. Paying in advance would mean having a discount, except for the most advanced students. Most advanced students are expected to pay their dues, no discount: $, sweet, blood, time.
When I taught it was a monthly fee, no contract

My Taiji sifu is a 10 week fee, no contract

My Xingyi sifu was all of the session in advance and that priced varied depending on the session but no contract.

My Wing Chun sifu had weekly and monthly fees, it was up to you, no contract.

My first sifu now does yearly fees I am told and he refuses to refund anything if you don't finish the year
I think Contracts are a no no . Simply offer month to month, or offer a discount if a student pays for more than 1 month in advance. 3 month maximum though.
Contracts are used in most legitimate businesses - banking, cell phones, television, health clubs - you sign up for a 1 or 2 year deal.

Why should martial arts be any different? After all, we constantly tell people it is a life long journey. How does a month to month deal support a life long goal?
Contracts are used in most legitimate businesses - banking, cell phones, television, health clubs - you sign up for a 1 or 2 year deal.

Why should martial arts be any different? After all, we constantly tell people it is a life long journey. How does a month to month deal support a life long goal?

People can change their mind about training, mvoe to another state, get injured etc........ They shoudl nto be bound into a contract. I also disagree with health clubs doing contracts as well. People are just wanting to get as much money as they can off of people and try to catch them in their spur of the moment decision. Health clubs do it especially because of New Year Resolutions. They catch a person all hyped and ready t ogo , " yeah yeah , sign up for this 1 year contract" then the person quits after 2 months and has to pay for the rest of the year. Contracts are plain and simple entrapment.

Month to month deals, lifelong contracts ...... neither support the journey it is the person training that does.

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