The most expensive

Sam said:
I feel sorry for anyone that tops me.

monthy training costs, NOT including replacement sparring gear or tournament fees - just lessons and class - $329.50 a month.

It's worth every penny and then some though.

EDIT - and I still find the cash for supporting membership. I'm a good person, what can I say? And cute. and modest, too.

You win. :)
Flatlander said:
What is the most money you have spent on a seminar, private lesson, or year of training? I'm looking for Martial Talk's loosest wallet. :ultracool

Seminar: One Day $75 - Four Day Camp a couple of hundered dollars

$40 for a private lesson

$2360 = $2000 + $360 = ($40 * 50 Weeks) + ($30 Dues * 12 Months )

Plus my travel to see people, and do and or teach seminars.

Good thing I have a day job ;) :lol:
About $300 for the National Women's Martial Arts Federation Special Training. Four days of training, room and board included. And a T-shirt. I think that's a pretty good deal.
The most I ever spent was when I hosted Gary Dill for a JKD seminar in Vegas and hardly anyone showed up. It ended up costing me about $600 for a one day seminar.


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