The Matrix 2 and X-Men 2


Master of Blades

Aight Aight.........The Movies almost out and blah blah blah So whos looking forward to it? I was kinda thinking that the story might be crap because they made Neo like the super guy and he can beat the agents no problem so there isnt really a story to continue with. But from the sound of it this movies sounds wicked!!!! Looking forward to it :D

On another note X-Men 2 looks pretty much a lot better then the first. Also it has Nightcrawler so Im really looking forward to it :rofl:
I heard that "super agents" are going to be used, so it'll make
his job more difficult ??? :confused:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Aight Aight.........The Movies almost out and blah blah blah So whos looking forward to it? I was kinda thinking that the story might be crap because they made Neo like the super guy and he can beat the agents no problem so there isnt really a story to continue with. But from the sound of it this movies sounds wicked!!!! Looking forward to it :D

On another note X-Men 2 looks pretty much a lot better then the first. Also it has Nightcrawler so Im really looking forward to it :rofl:

Yup. I'm definitely hyped about both of these. Not only is Nightcrawler in it, but it looks like (in the previews) they actually did a good job of portraying his powers.

Also looking forward to "The Hulk." Hopefully they won't botch it :)

X-Men 2 actually looks brilliant.......REALLY looking forward to it :D And Iceman and all the characters look cool....they even got all the original actors back :D

And Kirk, I havnt heard anything about these super agents? :confused:
I think the Matrix was originally written as a trilogy, so the story might not be as bad as one might think, even with 'Super Neo'.

And from the previews I think the Super Agents are the ones in all white and dreadlocks.

As for X-2, Jackman as Wolverine owns. Looking forward to both movies. :D

Definitely jazzed for both movies. Nightcrawler, however, doesn't meet my expectations aesthetically. I expect him to be smaller and more attractive, almost suave, the way he is in the books. I agree with Mike that they seem to portray his teleportation abilities true to form...I wonder if they will reference the smell of brimstone that they established in the books. Looks great and I heard that Wolverine really lets loose in this one. Finally, we get to see his "berzerker" mode in live action. Should be awsome.

Matrix Reloaded looks good as well. I am looking forward to seeing the staff work in the film. Also, twins with locks....very cool.

I probably won't go see Matrix 2 (never watched the first one) but I'm dying to go see X-men 2!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!

Robyn :boing2: :boing1: :boing2:
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon
I probably won't go see Matrix 2 (never watched the first one) but I'm dying to go see X-men 2!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!

Robyn :boing2: :boing1: :boing2:

Any particular reason why you never saw the first one? I thought it was an excellent movie. Liked it so much I own the DVD, in fact.

The first Matrix is an exceptional film. In spite of Keanu Reeves' obvious shortcomings, the film has everything a film should have. There is a well-conceived plot that works on multiple levels and is thought provoking even at the surface. Also, the fight choreography is excellent. It even broke new ground in cinematic technique! It is a must see film.

Originally posted by pesilat
Any particular reason why you never saw the first one? I thought it was an excellent movie. Liked it so much I own the DVD, in fact.


No real particular reason. Actually, the Matrix came on TV once and I taped it. I just never felt like watching the whole thing. I did see parts of it while taping but it didn't hold my interest--I was probably playing my Gameboy or writing in my Aikido-journal at the time and was more into doing that then watching it. I should find the tape and watch the whole movie all the way through sometime. I'm not that much of a Sci-fi fan really but I'm sure it must be a awesome movie if so many people like it so much. (X-Men isn't a sci-fi movie but a comic book movie and my family collects comics so that's different ;) )

Robyn :asian:
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon
No real particular reason. Actually, the Matrix came on TV once and I taped it. I just never felt like watching the whole thing. I did see parts of it while taping but it didn't hold my interest--I was probably playing my Gameboy or writing in my Aikido-journal at the time and was more into doing that then watching it. I should find the tape and watch the whole movie all the way through sometime. I'm not that much of a Sci-fi fan really but I'm sure it must be a awesome movie if so many people like it so much. (X-Men isn't a sci-fi movie but a comic book movie and my family collects comics so that's different ;) )

Robyn :asian:

It's a sci fi flick, but it's also an M.A. flick. I've personally found
that not many women liked it.
Originally posted by Kirk
It's a sci fi flick, but it's also an M.A. flick. I've personally found
that not many women liked it.

Maybe but I almost always like M.A. flicks. I love the action and choreography. Just as long as things aren't too bloody or nasty.

Robyn :asian:
i've got my tickets for both already!:D

X2 looks great, but i have to admit i'm looking forward to Reloaded more right now. the latest trailer for it just looks insane.

and the Hulk is also growing on me since i saw the latest trailer for that. downloaded it on my computer to slow things down and stop the frames to see how well done the cgi Hulk is and let me tell you...he looks freakin' awesome now. i'd venture to say he rivals, if not almost puts to shame, golem from LOTR.
Originally posted by tarabos
i've got my tickets for both already!:D

X2 looks great, but i have to admit i'm looking forward to Reloaded more right now. the latest trailer for it just looks insane.

and the Hulk is also growing on me since i saw the latest trailer for that. downloaded it on my computer to slow things down and stop the frames to see how well done the cgi Hulk is and let me tell you...he looks freakin' awesome now. i'd venture to say he rivals, if not almost puts to shame, golem from LOTR.

Awesome. I haven't seen a trailer for Hulk yet. I just like the Hulk and I know that Diana Lee Inosanto did some stunt work on the film. When I know she (or other people I've met in person) is in something, I'm always curious whether I'll be able to spot her when I watch it.

One day, I was watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer (one of the series episodes) and I spotted Diana (doing some stunt doubling for the character of Faith). It was pretty cool.

downloaded it on my computer to slow things down and stop the frames to see how well done the cgi Hulk is and let me tell you...he looks freakin' awesome now. i'd venture to say he rivals, if not almost puts to shame, golem from LOTR.

end quote.

tarabos, have you got a link for the Hulk clip?

Ditto with Matrix One - those that have not seen this film MUST watch it: it's one of the most enjoyable, visually/audiably (!) and "how the F*** did they do that" films I have ever seen.

Reloaded has a mountain to climb to achieve a film that comes even close to Matrix One.

Originally posted by Posiview
tarabos, have you got a link for the Hulk clip?

Ditto with Matrix One - those that have not seen this film MUST watch it: it's one of the most enjoyable, visually/audiably (!) and "how the F*** did they do that" films I have ever seen.

Reloaded has a mountain to climb to achieve a film that comes even close to Matrix One.

Andy ya go.

that's apple's quicktime movie trailer page. they have just about every current movie trailer you would want to watch there. Reloaded actually has a super high quality version of the trailer avialable for download on their site that's said to have better quality than a dvd. there should be a link to it from the trailer off of the quicktime site if i'm not mistaken. be warned though if you think you're going to try and download it, it's about 100 megs or so and requries a very fast computer and a high screen resolution on your monitor to even play.

don't worry though, there are smaller versions of each trailer if you're stuck on a dial-up.
I just got back from X-Men 2!

It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought it was even 100 times better than the first (and I loved the first movie)!!!!!!!!!!!

Incredible! Cool! Spectacular!!!

:cool: :D :) :boing2: :supcool:

Go see it everyone!!!

Robyn :asian: :asian:
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon
I just got back from X-Men 2!

It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought it was even 100 times better than the first (and I loved the first movie)!!!!!!!!!!!

Incredible! Cool! Spectacular!!!

:cool: :D :) :boing2: :supcool:

Go see it everyone!!!

Robyn :asian: :asian:

Yup. Same here. Loved it. And am seriously looking forward to the next one :)
