Phil Elmore
Master of Arts
The Martialist is online!
Our first issue has both free content (a dozen or so articles, with one straggler to see print tomorrow) and PDF-format (complete with links) subscriber content containing another ten articles available only to subscribers.
Here's a list of the articles now completed:
Knife Defense: The Cutting Edge of Survival and Effectiveness
By Andrew J. Cartwright
Get A Grip: A Knife and Gun Grip Improvement You May Have Missed
By Don Rearic and Phil Elmore
Welcome to the Criminal Mind
By Dan Webre
Learning Defensive Shooting
By Ken Cook
The CRKT Pesh-Kabz
By Lawrence Keeney
Victims Win
By Andrew J. Cartwright
Stopping Power: Unrealistic Expectations
By Robert Bolt
I Have Something for You
By GF Mathies
First Strike: Mastering the Preemptive Strike for Street Combat
A Book Review by Phil Elmore
Beyond Aliveness
By Coach Scott Sonnon
The Martialist vs. The Pacifist
By David W. Pearson and Phil Elmore
(Our monthly feature, in which your editor and his teacher David debate the virtues of martialism versus pacifism.)
A View from the Dark Side
By James A. Keating
(Master at Arms Jim Keating offers his opinion on a tragic knife-related killing that occurred recently in New York City.)
Combatives and "Martial" Sports
By Phil Elmore
(This editorial, prompted by a screed posted on the web by a traditionalist judoka, addresses the condescension with which some sports practitioners regard combatives exponents.)
Making Your Martial Art More Combative
By Tony Manifold
(Military combatives exponent Tony Manifold addresses the issue of making any martial art more aggressive and efficient.)
Streetfighting Essentials
A Video Review by Phil Elmore
(Alain Burrese, well-known contemporary of Marc "Animal" MacYoung, has produced a two-volume streetfighting tape that is among the best available for beginners.)
Badger Advantage
by Laurence Clark
(In ancient times some Kung Fu styles were based, legend has it, on animal movements. What if we modeled contemporary self-defense on one little animal in particular?)
Wing Chun: Effective Close Combat
by Anthony Iglesias with Phil Elmore
(Effective, efficient combatives are as close as your local Wing Chun Kung Fu school. Sifu Anthony Iglesias explains why.)
Right Now Someone is Training to Kick Your ***
by Tony Reyes
(You may have heard this statement before, but do you understand its implications? Tony Reyes sets the reader straight in no uncertain terms.)
Clawed Arm of the Law: The Spyderco Matriarch
by Lawrence Keeney
(What do angry, gun-toting Crips and whitewater rafting have in common? They're both good reasons to carry a Spyderco Matriarch, as Associate Editor Lawrence Keeney explains.)
Carrying Pocket Sticks
by Phil Elmore
(Small but effective, pocket sticks are the best personal protection accessory you might not be carrying.)
Cold Steel XL Voyager
by Phil Elmore
(A brief product review of a large folder that may meet your needs as a self-defense knife.)
A Prospective AR15 Owner/Builder's Primer
by Ron Wu
(Ron "Gun Collector" Wu imparts his knowledge of the AR15 in this reprint of his 1997 article. There's a lot of information here sure to be of interest to fans of "the black rifle.")
Coming tomorrow:
Cold Steel Warrior's Edge
A Video Review by Phil Elmore
Lynn Thompson of Cold Steel has created a lengthy series of videotapes that imparts the system of "long-range knife fighting" he advocates.
Our first issue has both free content (a dozen or so articles, with one straggler to see print tomorrow) and PDF-format (complete with links) subscriber content containing another ten articles available only to subscribers.
Here's a list of the articles now completed:
Knife Defense: The Cutting Edge of Survival and Effectiveness
By Andrew J. Cartwright
Get A Grip: A Knife and Gun Grip Improvement You May Have Missed
By Don Rearic and Phil Elmore
Welcome to the Criminal Mind
By Dan Webre
Learning Defensive Shooting
By Ken Cook
The CRKT Pesh-Kabz
By Lawrence Keeney
Victims Win
By Andrew J. Cartwright
Stopping Power: Unrealistic Expectations
By Robert Bolt
I Have Something for You
By GF Mathies
First Strike: Mastering the Preemptive Strike for Street Combat
A Book Review by Phil Elmore
Beyond Aliveness
By Coach Scott Sonnon
The Martialist vs. The Pacifist
By David W. Pearson and Phil Elmore
(Our monthly feature, in which your editor and his teacher David debate the virtues of martialism versus pacifism.)
A View from the Dark Side
By James A. Keating
(Master at Arms Jim Keating offers his opinion on a tragic knife-related killing that occurred recently in New York City.)
Combatives and "Martial" Sports
By Phil Elmore
(This editorial, prompted by a screed posted on the web by a traditionalist judoka, addresses the condescension with which some sports practitioners regard combatives exponents.)
Making Your Martial Art More Combative
By Tony Manifold
(Military combatives exponent Tony Manifold addresses the issue of making any martial art more aggressive and efficient.)
Streetfighting Essentials
A Video Review by Phil Elmore
(Alain Burrese, well-known contemporary of Marc "Animal" MacYoung, has produced a two-volume streetfighting tape that is among the best available for beginners.)
Badger Advantage
by Laurence Clark
(In ancient times some Kung Fu styles were based, legend has it, on animal movements. What if we modeled contemporary self-defense on one little animal in particular?)
Wing Chun: Effective Close Combat
by Anthony Iglesias with Phil Elmore
(Effective, efficient combatives are as close as your local Wing Chun Kung Fu school. Sifu Anthony Iglesias explains why.)
Right Now Someone is Training to Kick Your ***
by Tony Reyes
(You may have heard this statement before, but do you understand its implications? Tony Reyes sets the reader straight in no uncertain terms.)
Clawed Arm of the Law: The Spyderco Matriarch
by Lawrence Keeney
(What do angry, gun-toting Crips and whitewater rafting have in common? They're both good reasons to carry a Spyderco Matriarch, as Associate Editor Lawrence Keeney explains.)
Carrying Pocket Sticks
by Phil Elmore
(Small but effective, pocket sticks are the best personal protection accessory you might not be carrying.)
Cold Steel XL Voyager
by Phil Elmore
(A brief product review of a large folder that may meet your needs as a self-defense knife.)
A Prospective AR15 Owner/Builder's Primer
by Ron Wu
(Ron "Gun Collector" Wu imparts his knowledge of the AR15 in this reprint of his 1997 article. There's a lot of information here sure to be of interest to fans of "the black rifle.")
Coming tomorrow:
Cold Steel Warrior's Edge
A Video Review by Phil Elmore
Lynn Thompson of Cold Steel has created a lengthy series of videotapes that imparts the system of "long-range knife fighting" he advocates.