The MAN v's The machine


Blue Belt
In Australia soon there is to be a boxing match between Anthony "the Man" Mundine and Danny "the green Machine" Green. This fight has been coming for years now and I was wondering what people think of the two fighters and who will walk out of the ring victorious.
It has been said that the losers career will be over regardless of the outcome.
Your thoughts
My money is on Danny Green. I think he's a better all round fighter, with more proven endurance. Mundine has more power, but I think Green will be able to soak him up and wear him out.

Also, I think Green conducts himself better as a professional athlete, and as a person in general.
Technically Danny Green is the superior fighter, no doubt, Mundines general strategy is to out endure his oponant, ie, keep moving until his oponant starts to tire and then move in for the kill, which is a feasible one, the whole fight will be won or lost on endurance, I think. If Danny Green can maintain a full match endurance then he will definitly beat Mundine, but if he has not focused on the endurance parts of his training, there is a chance that he could loose. My odds for them, 2 to 1, and 10 to 1 respectivly.
My heart is on Danny, but Mundine is fast. Cocky too. I think that Mundine will stay away from Danny and frustrate him until he makes a mistake and over extends a punch then come at him with combinations.
Like I say I'm a Green fan though and hope he punches the pimp out of him.
silatman said:
My heart is on Danny, but Mundine is fast. Cocky too. I think that Mundine will stay away from Danny and frustrate him until he makes a mistake and over extends a punch then come at him with combinations.
Like I say I'm a Green fan though and hope he punches the pimp out of him.

Exactly that is his game plan, and the only way Green can counter this is by upping the ante on his match fitness, and to stay cool with it. He doesnt even need to catch mundine really, as long as he can maintain technical superiority over him he can win on points, but knowing the rivalry between them I would imagine Green would gain some satisfaction from knocking Mundines block of. If Green can stay cool, Mundines "cockiness" will be enough to get him into trouble, given time.
Adept said:
Mundine has more power.
Not ever heard that before, If I had to judge I would call Green for brute power.
I couldn't agree more about the professional differences but, I could like Mundine as a sportsman, and lets face it the man has talent, anyone who can make it in two different sports at an elite level is nearly entilted to call themselves "The Man" without arguement, if only a good vet would Debark him.
Local radio interviewd Danny before he went to America and he said that his website was full of emails begging him to hurt Mundine and then knock him out. I must say that you got the impression that if he could hurt him at will, he wouldnt mind having a play for a while before setting him up for the finish.