The Lost Art of Tang Soo Do - Part Three


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor

This last section is a roadmap for the evolution of the Tangsoodoin’s curriculum as it was shaped by the objectives stated in previous articles. This knowledge represents a change of environment in which the Tangsoodoin can adapt if they choose.

Traditionally, the Tang Soo Do curriculum contains the following elements. Kicho (basics), hyung (forms), Ill Soo Shik (one steps), Ho Sin Shul (self defense), Deh Ryun (sparring), and Kyok Pa (breaking). These elements are arranged differently depending on teacher and organization, but are, for the most part, ubiquitous across the Tang Soo Do spectrum.

As one learns more about hyung, taking into account the material I've written above, and/or finding out even more then what I've written, this will demand changes if one's wish is to incorporate this material. This is because the techniques and combinations used in the forms are far more comprehensive then what the average Tangsoodoin practices.


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