The Lost Art of Tang Soo Do - Part One


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor

Tang Soo Do is a popular Korean martial art that has practitioners all around the world. The art has incorporated elements of Chinese, Okinawan and Japanese martial arts in a synthesis that has produced a great art to practice.

Yet, along its syncretic lineage, Tang Soo Do has lost some things. Important elements that were part of the Japanese, Okinawan, and Chinese roots were left out of the synthesis. In a first of its kind book, I have traced the history of Tang Soo Do through my lineage and back into Okinawa in an attempt to not only discover the missing pieces, but also to suggest a curriculum for teaching them as part of the art.

This is part one of a three part article. Thoughts?
First of all, most people now realize that Tang Soo Do is simply Shotokan taught with Korean terms........there is no Chinese in the art, and very little Okinawan influence, except where it existed on the original Japanese art.
First of all, most people now realize that Tang Soo Do is simply Shotokan taught with Korean terms........there is no Chinese in the art, and very little Okinawan influence, except where it existed on the original Japanese art.

I think this is an accurate statement. TSD is derivative of Shotokan and has few deviations. The farther you go back in time and lineage, the fewer deviations there are. That said, TSD isn't bogged down with as much history as Shotokan and I think it has potential to grow and change more rapidly.