The little gold star...

WAY TO GO ON THE 10TH STAR, EXILE!!! :-partyon: :surfer::bow::highfive::highfive::-partyon::drinky::highfive::-partyon:
EXILE!!! Congratulations~ to the newest 10th, King of the Stars! (We'll catch up to you soon enough, after I'm done bowing to you!)


WOW!!! The first member to reach the big 10!!!!! Thats awesome!! Congrats Exile!!! :)
I don't know - Bob won't tell anyone! Exile is quite likely to hit 10 before anyone else, so we'll have to see what happens when he gets there - if it even does anything then; it may not switch until what would be 11.

I gotta say, I find it quite... ominous... that he is being so tight-lipped about it. If the 10th (or 11th) star were to cause the recipient to, say, be `squirted out of the universe like a watermelon seed' (like the unfortunate Salvatore Quinucci in what was, without question, Kliban's most terrifying cartoon), and I were Bob, I would be exactly that silent on the subject of what happens next... so it's a little worrisome...:uhohh:

I hope I am not speaking out of turn here, but there used to be a special group for deceased members that got the max rep. I believe it has stars across to whole screen.

*** Ducks from the powers to be for remembering old data that was visible to the public ;) ***

Of course he couldhave changed it with the most recent upgrades and such. :p

PS: Congrats on 10. :)
Jade Tigress,
on Six Stars!!!!!!!!!


Can I get a RAAAAWRRR....?


Woohoo!!!! Congratulations, Jade!!!!


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There are two kinds of mathematicians in the universe ... those that get binary and those that don't :lol: ... :lol: ... :l ... it's tough when you're laughing alone :o.

Congrats to Exile on his decinary - 1010 :applause:

The best way the joke is phrased is,

There are 10 kinds of people... those who understand binary and those who don't...

I almost got a bumper sticker that said that...very, very tempting!

Thanks to everyone for the good wishes and kind thoughts... believe me, I appreciate them. But the main thing is...

:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:

:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:

on your Sixth!!!!

:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:

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