The little gold star...

You know, it's kind of weird how the little stuff can make you feel better about life.

I have been having a really crappy last week and a half or so with a lot of bad news stuff happening. Some good news stuff has happened to counter the bad news stuff, but there are still a bunch of things up in the air and uncertainties that are hard to cope with. It's hard to know that within the next 2 weeks or so, my life will be changing drastically either for the better or for the worse. The better will be so much better and different that it is hard to imagine. The worse will be so much worse that it will almost be uncopeable for me. And the screwed up thing is, there is no middle ground here at all. There aren't many situations that are like that in life; and boy I will say that I have been feeling that pressure lately.

Anyways, "rep points" aren't really a huge deal or anything, but it was still really nice to log on, read Lisa's PM pointing me to this thread, and to see that I had a gold star and everyones congrats. It actually made me feel better about everything for some reason.

So...thanks again everyone!! :)

AWESOME!! Way to go Brian and Drac!!!:ultracool

:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:

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