The little gold star...

Oh my... could it be? Could it be that our favorite Ninja now has a star?

Congrats Kreth!

YAY Kreth! YAY Kreth!

It's about friggin' time!
Congratulations, Kreth!!
Congratulations Kreth!!!!


Thanks everyone. Now I should get down to the business at hand, looking down at those with "no stars upon thars." :p
Thanks everyone. Now I should get down to the business at hand, looking down at those with "no stars upon thars." :p

Oh boy, that showed REAL compassion...LOL...
Yeah, silly you, for posting meaningful, useful content... see what it gets you?
Maybe I should make a bunch of non-content posts and see if I revert to an unstarred Sneetch... A/S/L?
